“Healthcare for people” is the slogan used in a new ad from AstraZeneca, part of a national push to draw attention to the firm’s patient-assistance efforts.

The ad made its debut in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Newsweek, Jet and Inland Empire Hispanic News. Web placement includes WSJ.com.

“This is a long-term commitment of AstraZeneca to communicate news about our patient assistance program…as a reflection of what our company stands for,” Abby Baron, AZ manager, media relations, said by e-mail.

The firm expanded its main assistance program to help qualifying families of four earning $60,000 or less per year (up from $50,000) or qualifying individuals earning $30,000 or less per year (up from $24,500), a change it says could help an additional 3.8 million people. It also recently announced a new program that provides savings on AZ drugs to Medicare Part D beneficiaries, as well as 2007 community-based education and outreach initiatives in support of Part D.

Both online and print ads promote AZandMe.com and use the tagline “Healthcare for people. Imagine that.”