An AstraZeneca survey of how the company’s scientists use social media found that 71% participate in social media for science-related activities and 69% for personal reasons. Professional networks were the favorite social media channel of the 372 British, Swedish and American respondents—79% said they participated in them, followed by Wikis (53%), blogs (50%) and Yammer (48%). Just a quarter of those using social media said they participate in social networks. They’re passive social surfers—less than a fifth of them said they post comments, with 61% saying they read and watch content.

Everyday Health‘s monthly unique users tally ticked past 30 million in January according to comScore’s Media ­Metrix. The portal trumpeted the stat, along with its inclusion in AlwaysOn’s OnMedia Top 100 list of emerging companies in media and marketing.

The AMA released a free weight loss app, Weigh What Matters, as part of its Healthier Life Steps program. The app encourages users to consult with their physician to establish health goals for weight, eating and activity. Users can track weight, activity and nutrition with daily entries, and can calculate BMI or view and email progress reports.