Front-desk attendants at life-sciences organizations be forewarned: You may well be on the receiving end this week of one outsize delivery from Klick Health.  

The agency this week unveiled its Adaptive Brand Playbook, which compiles the collective wisdom of Klick’s 20 years at the nexus of health marketing and technology. The package, which includes high-end video and print components, is designed to make a definitive case for the agency’s offerings.

“It’s a distillation of everything we’ve learned,” said Klick Health managing director Peter Flaschner.

Our video does the playbook more justice than a description ever could, but for the clip-averse: Weighing in just north of 40 pounds, the plexiglass case that houses the playbook opens to a 21-inch, hi-def video screen that autoplays an introductory video. That screen features twin speakers and volume control.

The south side of the ABP case houses the 230-page glossy print playbook, which walks readers through Klick’s molecule-to-commercialization process for marketing faux Alzheimer’s drug Rellyant.

It took six weeks to design and two months to produce, with Klick working in concert with overseas manufacturers and printers.

The 1,000 copies of the ABP package will be shipped or hand-delivered to recipients, depending on geography. Though some current Klick clients will receive copies, it will primarily be sent to potential ones across the life-sciences spectrum.

In other words, the ABP case is unlike most parcels in-house brand team leaders will receive this week—very much by design. Flaschner said that the agency’s goal is to “create something that was un-ignorable… It could sit there literally for years in the corner of [the recipient’s] eye.”

Of course, if the recipient isn’t used to sheer plexiglass packaging in an agency gift or promotion, well, that’s the point.

Klick has teased the introduction of the ABP since the end of last year and, over the course of the last few months, fielded “a couple thousand” online requests for copies, per Flaschner. Asked how Klick plans to assess the success of the ABP effort, he said that “hearing some of these ideas talked about” would be rewarding and that Klick plans to measure its impact on both staff recruitment and new business. In 2018, Klick generated $287 million in North American revenue, up 20% from 2017’s sum of $239 million.

“It’s one part information, one part inspiration,” Flaschner added.