Novo Nordisk has rolled its latest promotion for diabetes injection Ozempic and disease education into a five-part web series, My Type 2 Transformation.

The series features actor, comedian and diabetes patient Billy Gardell and patient Jane Austin, showing how both use Ozempic and diet and lifestyle changes to manage their condition. The series gets into the nitty gritty of their lives, following them to sessions with diabetes educators, life coaches, personal trainers and chefs.

For a branded effort, the web series isn’t bogged down with risk statements. Novo sprinkles them in throughout each episode, allowing the rest of the show to focus on the patient stories.

Each episode focuses on an aspect of managing diabetes. It touches on the obvious changes like medicine, exercise and diet, while also showing how Gardell and Austin manage temptations to eat healthily or skip regular exercise.

Gardell and Austin share their A1C numbers, their average blood sugar levels over three months and weight at the beginning of the series and at the end, showing how the medicine and lifestyle change helped both.