Defensive tackle-turned-sports radio talker Mike Golic has signed on to Merck and the American College of Endocrinology’s Blood Sugar Basics awareness campaign, which emphasizes the import of blood sugar control for people with type 2 diabetes.

The Emmy-winning Golic, who played with the Houston Oilers, Philadelphia Eagles and Miami Dolphins before turning to radio, is co-host of ESPN Radio’s Mike & Mike in the Morning, which reaches 98 million American homes every morning. The 48-year-old has type 2 diabetes and experienced episodes of low blood sugar during gym workouts that went undiagnosed for a time as, acculturated to push past the pain, Golic ignored the warning signs.

Merck’s diabetes products include Januvia, which is indicated for lowering blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes, and its metformin-added variant Janumet. Neither is associated with the Blood Sugar Basics program, which was developed by the American College of Endocrinology (ACE) with support from the drugmaker.

ACE launched the website in 2009, and the portal is being updated next month with a series of videos featuring Golic. Other recently added tools include videos of a type 2 diabetes patient and ACE physician, downloadable blood-sugar trackers and other information about managing the disease.