Jaime Butler-Binley
Creative Team, FingerPaint Marketing

What was your biggest break?
A ski racing accident that made me realize advertising would be a much safer career.

What is the best/worst part of your job?
Building an agency from the ground up.

What’s the view like from your office?
Glass windows surround the office, so when it snows, it’s like a reverse snow globe.

Who is the person you admire most in your area of work?
Steve Jobs. His legacy speaks for itself.

What books are you reading?
Killing Kennedy, Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect

What was your greatest professional challenge?
Leaving New York City (population 13 million+) to live in Bolton Landing, NY (population less than 1,200).

Where will you be in five years?
At FingerPaint, working along side all those who continue to inspire me.

If you were to write a book what would the title be?
What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been