SVP General Manager, Heartbeat West

What was your biggest break?
Being entrusted to open the west coast office for Heartbeat has been pretty major.

What’s the best and/or worst part of your job?
The best is envisioning the future of our company as part of the executive management team. The worst is not seeing the Heartbeat Ideas crew in NYC every day.

Who is the person you admire most in your area of work?
My fellow members of the Heartbeat executive management team—Bill, James, Jen, Lee and Nadine.

What’s the view like from your office/work area?
The brick wall of the Santa Monica Playhouse. When I walk outside to grab lunch I see the ocean. Dreamy.

Where did you go to college? Did it help you prepare for your career?
University of Michigan. I was an econ major who took a bunch of computer classes as electives. That combo of business and tech skills are the foundation of what I do every day.

Where will you be in five years?
Hopefully opening Heartbeat’s Paris office.