When it comes to making babies, most sex ed classes teach you how not to make one. So when parents-to-be are ready to conceive, it’s not uncommon for them to be uninformed and unequipped on how to actually do the deed. 

That’s the theme behind Frida’s new campaign, which addresses old wives’ tales about conception. 

The campaign, which rolls out Wednesday, features a satirical video about the myths couples buy into regarding conception. It begins when a man and wife are asked about how a baby is made by their young son, leading the couple to have flashbacks about their conception journey. Throughout the flashback, the audience sees mom and dad try several different mythical tricks to try and get pregnant, including eating pineapple, keeping legs up after insemination or using a turkey baster to inseminate. 

Created by creative and production agency Majestic Beast, the ad then introduces Frida’s newest line of products, Frida Fertility, which includes preparation, testing and insemination sets to help couples on their journey to having a baby. 

“Our mission at Frida has always been to prepare parents for the unfiltered realities of parenthood, and now, with Frida Fertility, that starts the moment you think about becoming a parent,” said Chelsea Hirschhorn, CEO of Frida (and mom of four) in a press release. “Women will no longer be left on an endless internet search for ‘how to get pregnant,’ and can feel supported and informed from the beginning of their conception journey.” 

The campaign was created based on the insight that six in 10 women believe they can get pregnant any day of their cycle, seven in 10 women don’t know when they’re ovulating and one third of fertility issues are actually attributed to a male partner, Frida said in a statement. 

The product line also aims to address issues regarding medical insurance coverage for fertility treatment, which can often place barriers on women who are trying to educate themselves about proper fertility tactics.

In addition to the campaign video, Frida will run educational science-backed video content in partnership with Dr. Stephanie Thompson, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at The Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science (IRMS) on TikTok, as well as influencer advocacy to normalize fertility journeys among the soon-to-be-parents audience. 

With this, Frida hopes couples are better supported from the moment they think about starting a family. 

A Frida spokesperson was not immediately available for an interview.

This article originally appeared on Campaign US.