The & Partnership has released a short film to address the abuse trans people endure when undergoing so-called “conversion therapy”.

“It’s not therapy, it’s abuse” was created on a pro bono basis in partnership with 21 LGBT+ charities, co-ordinated by Stonewall.

The UK government had previously said a ban on “conversion therapy” would not include trans people, but earlier this week it brought forward legislation that would include the trans community in a full ban that protects all LGBT+ people.

Accompanied by Douglas Dare’s version of It’s a Sin by the Pet Shop Boys, the two-and-a-half minute film shows the “conversion therapy” practices that have been legal in the UK and is based on first-hand survivor testimony.

A young trans person is at the heart of the film, opening with her parents removing her clothes from her wardrobe and telling her she “will get better”.

Throughout the film she faces different forms of abuse, as “therapy” sessions attempt to manipulate and brainwash her.

Her vulnerability is also taken advantage of when she has to remove her clothes in front of a stranger without her consent. 

A group of people pray around her, continuing to misgender her and trying to coerce her into believing she is sick. 

The film ends with her visiting her grandparents, and when they see she is male-presenting they say: “I’m so glad you’re better.” Even though she is visibly unhappy and no longer herself.

It ends with the line: “‘Conversion therapy’ is not therapy. It’s abuse.”

The film was directed by Zhang & Knight through Academy Films, and created by Mika Alcock and Dan Dehlavi.

Media was handled by MSix & Partners.

“At The & Partnership, we champion belonging, diversity and inclusion, as a company and across society,” Toby Allen, executive creative director at The & Partnership, said.

“We believe no-one should be forced to change who they are, and our film makes clear that ‘conversion therapy’ is not therapy, it’s abuse. We’re proud of all our LGBTQA+ people, and proud to work on this campaign to promote a full ban.”

This article originally appeared on Campaign US.