Fishawack Health
No. 3 Booths Park, Chelford Road
Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8GS
Year Founded
Full-time Employees
Number of Clients
North American Revenue 2021
Full-time Employees 2021
Number of clients 2021
North America
Boston Chicago Conshohocken, PA Evansville, IL Horsham, PA Minneapolis New York San Diego St. Louis
Executives & Senior Management
Jonathan Koch
Chief Executive Officer
Gail Flockhart
Chief Commercial Officer and President, Marketing
Elizabeth Landon
Chief People Officer
Senior Management
Jonathan Koch
Gail Flockhart
Elizabeth Landon
Brendan Ferretti
Jas Hummel
Agency 100 Book Cover
Capabilities/Services Offered
Professional Consumer OTC Direct Marketing Media Planning Med-ed Payer Med-Tech Public Health Data/Analytics Digital
New Services
New Value, Evidence and Access Capability In 2021 FH extended its fourth core capability Value, Evidence, and Access. The new capability is designed to help our clients respond to the complex and evolving global landscape in which payers require more sophisticated evidence to determine the value of a product. From early-stage development through to successful launch and beyond, we help accelerate access to novel therapies through global strategic consultancy and pioneering digital solutions. The capability is made up of a multidisciplinary skill sets and deep knowledge of both the HEOR and the payer landscapes in Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region. Our Value, Evidence and Access services include: 1. Market Access Strategy: Understanding evidence requirements and advising on strategic market access, pricing, reimbursement and contracting/payer strategy; utilising appropriate evidence generation including patient-reported outcomes, real-world evidence and policy tools. 2. Payer Value: Communication of value via the value proposition and narrative, global value dossiers, objection handling and creation of HTA / P&R submissions to demonstrate optimal value. 3. Health Economics and Outcomes Research: Identifying and developing credible value narratives and HEOR strategies supported by economic modelling, evidence synthesis (including real-world evidence generation), trial-based data analytics and modelling simulation. Marketing services Over the past few years, FH has acquired and integrated several best-in-class agencies, including brand strategy and creative firms, digital agencies, and med device focused firms, each with a unique set of capabilities and experience. Within the US, this includes Carling Communications, Dudnyk, 2e Creative, Blue Latitude Health, StoneArch and closerlook. Combined, we have deep expertise in new product launches and data-driven digital omnichannel marketing, specializing in Rare, Oncology, Specialty Pharma, and Medical Device-Wellness for HCP, Patient, Caregiver, and Consumer audiences. As an analytics-driven brand agency of record, we have the power to leverage an unprecedented depth of understanding to engage and activate target audiences, resulting in improved lives and tangible business impact. Our comprehensive AOR capabilities include: Marketing strategy rooted in insight and deep expertise Wielding scientific data and insight to build differentiated commercial strategies to deliver personalization at scale • Scientific and medical strategy • Brand positioning and message platform development • Audience segmentation and engagement strategy • Communication planning • Launch planning Creative campaign development Blending science and strategy to inform conceptual creative to drive impactful brand experiences • Brand storytelling • Verbal and visual creative development • Promotional writing and content ideation Omnichannel digital marketing campaign content and media Implementing customer engagement strategy across a combination of channels with the goal of changing customer behavior • Insight-driven omnichannel strategy • Customer Experience mapping • Digital content creation and distribution • Regulatory and editorial support services • Media activation Marketing Intelligence as force multiplier Through advanced analytics and data science, we identify and quantify opportunities our clients might not find on their own, supporting and enabling delivery • Omnichannel reporting and analytics • Predictive analytics • Campaign optimization A suite of technology-enabled services, driven by AI and analytics FH expanded its digital footprint to include six proprietary technology-enabled platforms, leveraging strategy, data, and AI to help clients reach their customers at the right moment in time. FH's digital products include Backstage®–a cloud-based marketing intelligence platform powered by artificial intelligence, which provides a 360-degree view of the customer, and five cloud-based VEA applications, including hēRo3 and PRMA Navigator and Tracker, designed to accelerate access to life-changing therapies. See detail on some of the platforms below: 1. Backstage™ Intelligence - is our proprietary cloud-based insight discovery and marketing intelligence application, serving as the platform for an entire suite of software tools that help marketers gain a deeper understanding of their audiences and campaign performance. Using machine learning, Backstage® Intelligence provides a 360-degree view of your most important targets, including customer interests, attitudes, personality and digital activity. 2. PRMA Navigator™: PRMA Navigator® is a Market Access digital application that empowers affiliates to deliver high-quality multiple HTA submissions and other payer submissions by maximizing the use of global materials which help to shorten the time to market access. 3. PRMA Healthcheck™: The PRMA Healthcheck® is a Market Access digital application that identifies payer evidence gaps and key vulnerabilities based on actual payer requirements to optimize evidence generation plans and the market access strategy. 4. hēRo3 - Is a cloud-based platform that has revolutionized HEOR modelling, especially for pipeline assets, enabling rapid value analytics to be conducted for development candidates. In turn, it plays a key role in promoting the strategic design of clinical development programs and HEOR evidence generation plans. Medical and Consulting strategic services, supporting omnichannel engagement FH will continue to focus its efforts on developing omnichannel strategies across the entire pre-commercial and commercial lifecycle of a drug. In addition to our core Marketing omnichannel services, our Medical and Consulting capabilities continue to roll out strategic services that support omnichannel engagement in the healthcare setting, including: 1. Scientific Communication Strategy - Determining the strategic communication plans and roadmaps for an asset or portfolio. Starting with landscape analysis, strategic drivers and communication objectives – with target audiences, belief shifts and scientific narratives. Includes a strategic scientific roadmap covering 12-36 month period showing key communication activities and milestones. 2. Integrated Evidence Planning - Assessing clinical and scientific evidence needed to address an asset's strategic scientific or medical objectives, scientific platform or scientific positioning. This can include evidence gap analysis, evidence generation solutions and we facilitate solutions through strategic workshops and documentation. 3. Experience and Engagement - Built for an increasingly complex healthcare landscape, we use Human Centered Design to develop and scale innovative, high-impact solutions for both external customers and internal stakeholders. We partner to build capabilities and deliver engagements that change behaviors through personalization, automation and integration, improving outcomes and driving sustained competitive advantage. FIDE - an independent, expert-led consultancy specializing in dermatology and offering direct and unrivalled access to independent insights from a network of leading dermatologists FH cements its commitment to patients with chronic inflammatory skin conditions, via its access to independent insights from a network of leading dermatologists, who give an unfiltered view of the market landscape, providing unique insights into the critical issues for patient care. FIDE's experts comprise of the top key opinion leaders across the globe, including its directors: • Bruce E Strober, MD, PhD, Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine and Central Connecticut Dermatology in Cromwell, CT • Kenneth B Gordon, MD, Professor and Chair of Dermatology at the Medical College of Wisconsin • Richard GB Langley, MD, Director, Professor and Director of Research in the Division of Dermatology, Dalhousie University • Richard Warren, MD, Professor and Director of the Dermatopharmacology Unit at the University of Manchester in the UK FIDE offers independent, "real-time" expert analysis, distillation, and clinical interpretation of the potential for the latest data to influence patient care, that have short- and long-term consequences for a companies' portfolio via Conference analysis (CAPs). They provide high level expert insight, through their Expedited Expert Engagement Platform, into psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, alopecia areata, vitiligo and hidradenitis suppurativa, with other therapy areas under consideration.
2021 Acquisitions
• Hive Health and Pollen Health - London, UK; Healthcare Marketing and Scientific Communications; January 6, 2021 • StoneArch - Minneapolis, US; Medical Technology and Wellness; January 13, 2021 • PRMA Consulting - Fleet, UK; Value, Evidence and Access; M Name Location
allergy anesthesiology cardiology dermatology endocrinology gastroenterology hematology immunology infectious disease mental health metabolic diseases nephrology ophthalmology orthopedics oncology pain pediatrics podiatry pulmonology rare disease radiology rheumatology vaccines women's health
Client Roster
We currently work with all top 20 pharmaceutical companies and a variety of innovative biotech and medical technology companies. In the US Marketing capability, we have deep specialism in rare disease, oncology, specialty pharma, and the medical device-wellness therapeutic areas. In North America alone, the organization is working on 16 innovative rare disease product launches and with more than 20 cutting-edge medical-device and wellness organizations.
2021 Growth from Existing Clients
2021 Growth from New Clients
Creative Samples