MM+M today launched the 2022 version of its venerable Best Places to Work program. The program identifies the healthcare marketing world’s best small, medium-sized and large agencies, companies and service providers as determined by the people who know them best: their employees.

The Best Places to Work results, to be published by MM+M in December, will spotlight the perks, programs and professional opportunities most coveted by today’s workers. It will attempt to make sense of the almost-post-COVID landscape, especially as it pertains to the ongoing popularity of hybrid work options.

“Working in medical marketing is a far different proposition in mid-2022 than it was when COVID-19 hit in March 2020,” said MM+M editor-in-chief Larry Dobrow. “Best Places to Work will reveal the organizations that have most ably navigated the chaos. As always, it will serve as an essential guide for employees and employers alike.

Learn more about the Best Places to Work nomination process here.