1. Hospitals are grappling with higher drug costs. One hospital executive said that most price increases come from existing drugs as well as higher-than-expected prices for new drugs. (Modern Healthcare)

2. The FDA approved a new weight loss device. Aspire Bariatrics’ system drains the stomach of excess food 20 minutes after a user has finished a meal. An external device then drains some of the recently consumed food into the toilet. (AP)

3. The American Diabetes Association asked attendees at its annual meeting not to tweet confidential data about Novo Nordisk’s Victoza, and, unsurprisingly, they did. Some attendees’ Twitter accounts posted pictures of the charts showing cardiovascular data within minutes. (Bloomberg)

4. Patients with common ailments — diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression — are often treated differently, according to an analysis of 250 million patient records spanning four countries. The data illustrates the complicated nature of treating disparate individuals as well as the lack of a standard regimen of care for these diseases. (Quartz)

5. Government incentives for drugmakers have helped companies develop seven late-stage antibiotics that could help destroy dangerous superbugs, according to the acting director of the government’s biodefense agency. The agency was called to testify before a House subcommittee due to concerns about drug-resistant bacteria. (WSJ)