Guns have been the leading cause of death for children and teens in the U.S. since 2020, when they surpassed car crashes.

Firearm-related child and teen mortality is 28.6 times higher in the U.S. on average than in peer countries like Canada, the U.K. and Australia. In the U.S., for every 100,000 children and teens, there are 6.01 firearm deaths. Comparatively, Canada has the second-highest firearm death mortality rate with 0.63 deaths per 100,000 children and teens.

But despite repeated calls for gun reform ranging from legislators to the parents and peers of victims, little has been done in terms of federal gun reform.

Anti-gun violence nonprofit Change the Ref’s latest campaign posits that in the face of these grim statistics, American children would be safer leaving the country to live in safer nations. It opens up the conversation about U.S. gun control to a global audience with a mock plea to adopt American children.

A campaign film, titled Save us from the USA, shows a series of black-and-white AI-generated photos of young children resembling school portraits, and urges viewers from other countries to “please save American children from the USA — consider adopting an American child.”

“This is a matter of asking for help; it’s like having a war in your country and asking other countries to help you,” said Change the Ref cofounder Manuel Oliver, who created the organization with his wife Patricia after the death of their son Juaquin in the 2018 mass shooting at Parkland high school.

“Now it’s our turn. We are an arrogant country that will never ask for help, but things are changing,” he added. “We’re not capable or don’t want to solve the problem, so we need other people to get involved and help us.”

The global effort includes out-of-home (OOH) images that replicate newspaper listings, urging passersby to consider adopting an American child. Media placements including digital and static billboards and kiosks are running in international hubs including in Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, London, Toronto and Vancouver.

The OOH work reads in the native language of the respective countries, “The USA can’t save its children from gun violence, so we turn this plea to other countries: please save these children from the USA.”

In addition to paid media, posters were placed by the Olivers themselves in Paris, Lisbon, Madrid and London, which Oliver noted aligns with practices of “old-school street activism.”

The work will also run in the U.S. through paid media on social platforms including YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

While much of Change the Ref’s work addresses U.S. politicians that have the power to introduce gun control legislation, this campaign intentionally addresses a general audience, said Oliver. 

“This is a campaign for the people,” he Oliver, adding that the OOH work sparked conversations with international locals who “were shocked, but they got it — they understand that gun violence should not be a part of society on a level that is in the United States.”

Change the Ref uses AI in its latest campaign due to the nature of the work, noted a press release. But it’s not the organization’s first time using the technology. Earlier this year, Change the Ref partnered with March For Our Lives on the sixth anniversary of the Parkland shooting to create AI-generated voices of school shooting victims, which it used to leave messages on Congressmembers’ voicemails calling for gun reform.

Oliver noted Change the Ref uses AI to make the work more impactful and to stay true to the victims of gun violence. 

Change could happen, he said, “if we get more people engaged and to get people engaged, you have to impress and impact people.”

Save us from the USA was created in partnership with two independent agencies: Brooklyn-based Atlantic New York and Lisbon-based Stream and Tough Guy.

This article originally appeared on Campaign US.