The expression “seeing red” usually means that someone is angry. But what if the color could be reframed to evoke something pleasant?

That’s the idea behind a campaign for the hormonal intrauterine device Mirena, which provides birth control and treats heavy menstrual bleeding, according to its manufacturer, Bayer. 

The Seeing Red campaign, which launched on Tuesday, shows women no longer being bothered by the color, as they might be when dealing with heavy menstrual bleeding. 

“It is talking about red in a different way,” said John Berrios, SVP and GM of Women’s Healthcare U.S. at Bayer. “It’s seeing red and not saying, ‘Oh my goodness, I can’t do anything about it. I can’t live my life. I can’t travel where I want to go. I can’t wear the clothes I want to wear.’ If you watch the commercial and the imagery, it’s very purposeful to change that around.”

More than 10 million women in the U.S. suffer from heavy bleeding each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The 60-second commercial begins with a voiceover asking, “Heavy periods got you seeing red, and pregnancy not in the cards right now?”

“If an IUD for birth control that also treats heavy periods sounds good to you, Mirena can help,” the narrator says.

At the start of the spot, women look at red items with disappointment. That changes once Mirena is introduced. 

The women use red paint, put on red lipstick, wear red clothing and rest in water in an inflatable red tube. 

The brand is promoting the campaign on digital channels but is interested in running ads on connected television, Berrios said. 

“What I liked so much about connected [TV] is that algorithm to be able to get that right message to the right person versus this broad spectrum cost on regular linear TV, like CBS, NBC,” Berrios said. “While that is still a very important medium, I think it’s really important to have [that] focused messaging.”

Bayer is also working with Betches Media, a media company focused on women, for campaign activations through newsletters, podcast ads and custom Instagram content, according to the campaign. 

Real Chemistry worked on the press release and the partnership with Betches; Hill Holiday collaborated on social media, the website and the commercial; and Linqia managed influencer partnerships. 

This article originally appeared on PRWeek US.