After six months in development, 200-year-old The New England Journal of Medicine has launched a new iPad app. The app will allow subscribers to markup and share Clinical Practice articles through email as well as on Twitter and Facebook. There will also be opportunities for app subscribers to create personal archives and access audio features.

A maximum initial reach is projected to be the 600,000 readers that the publication says it has worldwide. While the iPad app will be available at no extra cost to for print subscribers, tablet users will be able to purchase a monthly subscription or individual issues. NEJM would not provide a hard number for how many apps-only subscriptions it expects, but classified it as “modest.” It also said it expects the advertisers on the iPad app to be the same as those who appear in the print edition of the publication. Banner ads will be available on select pages of the app.

The company told MM&M through e-mail that the decision to develop an application for the iPad was an easy one, because “we knew from our analytics that we had a steadily increasing audience of iPad visitors to our website using Safari.”

NEJM also recently teamed up with Wolters Kluwer Health. The result of this partnership will be that Wolters Kluwer Health is the only medical research aggregator to distribute current, non-embargoed NEJM content. This content will be distributed through Wolsters Kluwer’s OvidSP medical research platform. The agreement also increases the available subscriber archive by three years, to include PDFs dating back to 1990; Ovid access was previously limited to HTML versions that only went back to 1993.