The editorial team of MM&M is calling for nominations for the 2018 class of Top 40 Healthcare Transformers, whose work at the intersection of healthcare and technology has, well, transformed the industry. It is also seeking industry input for a second category of honoree, the Top 10 Innovation Catalysts.

Since its debut in 2015, MM&M‘s Top 40 Healthcare Transformers editorial feature has honored a wide swath of individuals — everyone from health-tech entrepreneurs to in-house innovation gurus at traditional pharma companies to economists focused on systemic reform. But they haven’t done it alone, which is why MM&M has added a second category of honoree: Innovation Catalysts, who have helped amplify the impact of all things health-tech.

See also: Top 40 Healthcare Transformers of 2017

Here’s how MM&M is defining the two classes of honorees:

Healthcare Transformer: Anyone whose work straddles the line separating healthcare and technology. Anyone who has, via the embrace of all things new and scary, led biopharma’s transformation into a tech-forward industry. Possible candidates include health-tech entrepreneurs, data wonks, venture capitalists invested in health-tech plays, and/or leaders of in-house innovation teams at pharma and biotech companies. NOTE: Agency executives, consultants, and media executives are NOT eligible for consideration as a Healthcare Transformer.

Innovation Catalyst: Marketers who have helped health-tech innovators connect with the larger worlds of pharma and healthcare. Possible candidates include agency executives, marketing/communication partners of health-tech startups, and/or industry leaders deeply involved with VC groups or health-tech think tanks.

Visit MM&M‘s Transformer/Catalyst nomination site to recommend pharma and health-tech executives, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, and academics for Transformer consideration and agency, consulting and media execs for Catalyst consideration. The deadline for submissions is Monday, January 29, 2018, at 6 p.m. PT.

As in years past, Transformer and Catalyst honorees will be celebrated at the Transforming Healthcare awards reception on Wednesday May 16. The reception will be followed the next day by MM&M‘s annual Transforming Healthcare conference, an event in which traditional pharma players and the tech community unite to discuss and debate all things “beyond the pill.” The conference will include a range of keynote speeches, interactive panels, and competitions that address the organizational, technological, promotional, and regulatory challenges the industry faces as it continues to evolve.

All 50 Transformer and Catalyst finalists will be profiled in the May 2018 issue of MM&M. They will be selected by MM&M‘s editors in tandem with 2015, 2016, and 2017 Transformer honorees. 

For questions about the nomination process, contact Larry Dobrow, senior editor at MM&M, at [email protected].