Havas Lynx Group has launched Point.1, a proprietary data product. It is designed to “fulfill the void of data, which currently leaves brands making assumptions around HCP behavior,” as the company put it in a statement.

Spurred by the pandemic’s impact on the digital transformation, Point.1 generates data through proprietary research, spanning 80 industry touchpoints, platforms and journals, the company said in the statement. The goal: To encourage brands to experiment with new ways of reaching HCPs, with or without sales reps.

“In modern-day advertising, data has become a valuable currency for brands, helping them to understand their customers better than ever before,” said Havas Lynx Group global head of product strategy Phil Streit. “However, while data is easily available on patients, the data available for healthcare professionals is practically nonexistent.”

Point.1 was created to assist brands in understanding the “real-life differences and nuances of healthcare professionals,” Streit continued. Only with more data, he argued, can marketers better understand HCPs.

By way of example, the company noted that Point.1 helped it discover that 40% of boomer oncologists trusted pharma sales reps highly, but that only 23% of millennial oncologists did. The product can also help organizations figure out ways to reach that remaining 77% of unconvinced millennial oncologists.

“We like to think of the product in terms of pixels,” Streit explained. “The more pixels you have, the clearer the picture and it’s the same when it comes to data.”

Despite the fact that healthcare produces 30% of the world’s data volume, marketers still struggle to grasp and make use of it. The pharma industry has historically had difficulties in accessing “deep, granular” data, according to Havas Lynx Group CEO Claire Knapp.

“It has led to complexities for brands who are trying to make smart and efficient media and marketing decisions to reach the relevant healthcare professionals,” she said in a statement. “Our goal with Point.1 is to bring more precise data with added context, to give brands the credibility and confidence in the insights and subsequent marketing decisions made.”

Havas Lynx Group noted that Point.1 served as the proprietary data source of its recent report “Healing the Healers.” The report delved into physician burnout and mental health, and their impact on health systems.

To read a December 2023 article on Havas Lynx Group’s campaign targeting post-menopausal masturbation, click here.