The holiday season is in full swing and with it comes the rise in stress people as they travel the country to spend time with their families. 

Between the COVID-19 pandemic, fears of a ‘tripledemic,’ significant economic headwinds and geopolitical instability, there are plenty of stressors affecting the mental health of millions of Americans. 

For many, they look to medication to handle this seasonal rise in stress and relieve mental strife.

According to a survey of more than 1,000 consumers released Tuesday by iPrescribe, just over one-third of Americans said they’ve taken anti-anxiety medications to manage family stress during the holiday season. DrFirst, a healthcare technology solutions company, runs iPrescribe as a mobile app for managing prescriptions for healthcare professionals and patients.

When asked to list the major topics to avoid during the holiday season, politics led the way followed by family drama, love life, the economy, healthcare and then sports. The survey did note that nearly 75% of respondents said that they celebrate or acknowledge family members’ good health during this time of year. 

The survey is the latest examination of the effects of the holiday season on people’s well-being and provides insights into how some cope with this challenge mentally. 

“The holidays bring families together, with all the joy and stress that can come with it,” Colin Banas, M.D., M.H.A., chief medical officer for DrFirst, said in a statement. “It’s important that people acknowledge their feelings and seek help when they need it. If you find yourself feeling anxious persistently, talk to your doctor or mental health professional.”

Public relations professionals know all too well how stress and anxiety can contribute to burnout. Half of the workers in PR, marketing and communications said in a survey conducted by Coleman Parkes that they have dealt with severe stress, anxiety or burnout on several occasions over the past 12 months. 

Notably, the ongoing FTX bankruptcy saga and subsequent crypto volatility has coincided with the stress of the holiday season. A recent analysis found that crypto investors are dealing with significant stress, with New Mexico, Vermont and Wyoming accounting for the most stressed states in the U.S.