Pharmacy Times launched a new title, Specialty Pharmacy Times, which will focus on policy, regulatory and legal issues, as well as product reviews, reimbursement and new clinical trends in specialty pharmacy.

“Current spending on specialty pharmaceuticals is estimated at more than $100 billion, with that figure expected to increase to $1.7 trillion in 2030,” said Bill Schu, group editorial director, in an email. “Our audience needs to keep on top of key issues in the profession – clinical issues and issues from a practice and business point of view – and Specialty Pharmacy Times will fill that niche.”

The journal’s inaugural issue was unveiled at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy meeting in October, and copies will go out to qualified subscribers, gratis, said Tighe Blazier, president, Pharmacy Times. Qualified subscribers include corporate executives, reimbursement specialists and pharmacists, as well as pharmacy and formulary directors at managed care organizations and in government, among others.

Blazier said the journal hopes to attract pharmaceutical and biotech advertising clients that manufacture products and offer services that require specialized distribution channels. “They will be the main beneficiaries of this important new communication platform,” said Blazier. Specialty Pharmacy Times will also be supported by online advertising, and will begin sending out a bi-weekly e-newsletter “very soon,” per Blazier. An iPad version of the journal is also in the works.