Finding new and innovative ways to communicate valuable information to healthcare professionals is an ongoing challenge for pharma companies. As part of its direct marketing strategy, AstraZeneca has partnered with Digitas Health and Kyp Systems to connect physicians with information and resources about its migraine relief product Zomig. 
Targeted physicians receive the Zomig “Power Key” box that contains iKyp’s webkey, and a USB-style device that connects users to a secure website where they are able to access product information and resources as well as order samples. The kit provides interactive knowledge wheels and expanding inserts that give physicians additional information about Zomig.
Among iKyp’s features: 
  • delivers customers directly to your website
  • can be individually tracked
  • grants access to exclusive web content or microsites
  • enables the creation of personalized content
  • provides an all-in-one integrated campaign solution 
The webkey was mailed to doctors in mid-June, and according to Digitas, AstraZeneca is the first pharma company to utilize the webkey technology. 
Michael Harpish, director, marketing for Digitas Health, said that “the challenge was to find an innovative way to connect physicians with helpful information and resources about Zomig.” He added that Digitas was looking for a novel way to reach the Zomig healthcare professionals within a competitive market. Harpish said that Digitas is looking at broader applications for the iKyp on Zomig, as well as other potential opportunities with AstraZeneca. 
Lou Vastardis, president of US operations for Kyp Systems,   said that pharma companies are receptive to this technology and it is gaining momentum. “In the industry right now there is a consolidation of people in the field,” he said, “and it’s always critical and increasingly important, for the pharma companies to put information in the physicians’ and patients’ hands that can educate and empower them in a way that they can respond accordingly.”