The U.S. has fallen behind many other nations in life expectancy. The country’s leaders, however, have been hesitant to address the crisis. (The Washington Post)

Animals increasingly receive the same treatment for aging-related health conditions as humans do. Their caregivers are now confronting the same questions about the trade-off between prolonged life and quality of life. (The New York Times)

Immunotherapies have transformed treatment for a range of cancers, extending thousands of lives. Some physicians, however, are starting to wonder if patients are receiving more of the drugs than they truly need. (The Wall Street Journal)

An unprecedented nerve transfer operation restored use of a patient’s hand that had been left paralyzed in the wake of an accident. Surgeons at Turin City Hospital transferred part of the patient’s sciatic nerve to his brachial plexus. (Reuters)

UnitedHealth used a secret set of rules to limit rehabilitation care for ailing Medical Advantage patients. Internal documents obtained by STAT found that the practice resulted in quick denials of care requests. (STAT)