Amazon has launched Amazon Pharmacy, an online pharmacy delivering prescription medicines throughout the U.S. Customers can compare medication prices on its website or app. (Yahoo)

Johnson & Johnson anticipates having its COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data by February. The drugmaker is currently recruiting more than 1,000 people per day to participate in its late-stage trial. (Reuters)

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) has enrolled in Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine trial. He hopes through his participation in this clinical trial people realize how important vaccinations are. (CNBC)

President-elect Joe Biden’s COVID task force is still unable to speak with administration officials about the pandemic. Medical experts believe this delay could negatively affect the U.S.’ response to the coronavirus. (Reuters)

Nominations are open for MM+M’s 2021 Hall of Femme and Women to Watch programs. The deadline is January 13, 2021. (MM+M)