In the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, a pair of siblings use white pebbles and breadcrumbs to mark their trails, a plan they hoped would let them navigate their way in a dense, ominous forest. We recognize the challenge our clients face in navigating their way when faced with multiple sources of data, which can be unwieldy and costly to process. That’s why we built Gretel Trails, our new secure AI chatbot interface, which leverages the latest AI natural-language models, offering seamless access to real-world insights from patients, HCPs and other key audiences.

The tale of Gretel Trails begins with Gretel, the industry’s leading healthcare insights engine. We developed Gretel over the last decade as a research tool, similar to focus groups and survey responses, that allows us to use social media as a proxy for how audiences engage on healthcare issues, because it harvests data on their interests and sources. With Gretel, we not only monitor those engagements, but we can also identify key stakeholders who influence the conversations, based on how frequently they are referenced or their posts are shared by audiences talking about a particular issue or topic. Gretel combines this massive trove of information with a database of more than 22,000 top health journalists.

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Gretel has allowed us to improve our ability to target messages to diverse audiences, but today we can do it faster and more efficiently than ever with Gretel Trails, which was made possible by the arrival of GPT-4, the largest AI-powered natural language chatbot ever built. We adapted GPT-4’s easy-to-use interface, which understands and responds to prompts in plain English — no knowledge of analytics or technical know-how required — to interpret our data. Gretel Trails powers precision insights in seconds, giving our team members ideas and inspiration to build on and develop with their healthcare expertise and years of experience, whether it’s to inform brand messaging, spark creative concepts or draft highly targeted marketing materials — the potential applications are virtually limitless.

With this innovative platform, our team and clients understand their audiences and deliver targeted messages. Importantly, Gretel Trails is 100% private and secure: Client information is never made available to GPT-4 and is not used to train its AI. Gretel Trails is just one of the ways JPA Health is reinventing omnichannel marketing by providing faster insights and helping our clients foster deeper connections with their audiences. It turns out the answer was always there: Just follow the breadcrumbs.