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[00:00] Hello and welcome to the MM+M podcast my name is Jack O’Brien I am the digital editor at MM+M and please be joined today by a couple of wonderful guests. Hi, I’m Jamie Alexander I am the general manager of PRI Healthcare Solutions and I’m John Leone the senior VP of commercial ops [00:19] I appreciate you both being on the show being in studio here in New York we’re gonna Focus the majority of our conversation on hcp identification and engagement across a multi-indication portfolio and Jamie I want to throw the first question over to you when you’re looking at multiple indications in the portfolio. What has PRI’s approach. Been in terms of reaching oncologists across multiple therapeutic areas sure so understanding that with a multi-indication brand. We would encounter a wide range of healthcare professionals across the variety of specialties and at different stages within their behavior adoption Funnel and we developed a cascade of custom digital programs that were aimed at targeting a wide range of critical points in the brand adoption process to lift awareness and drive that adoption across all indications luckily the custom products in our portfolio are specifically designed and deployed to Leverage messaging and education that resonates with each subspecialty that was targeted via this campaign whether via our face of the facts program, which highlights key unmet needs and target populations or our real view program that brings clinical. [01:19] To life utilizing augmented and virtual reality or are asked the expert that delivers KL and peer perspectives ultimately our goal for this campaign was to engage healthcare professionals and align with their evolving Educational Needs and preferences to drive informed decision making and adoption of the brand I really appreciate those insights there Jamie and John I know if there was anything you want to add on to that point no Jamie touched on it. Well. I mean you know we intentionally architect different product solutions for different points across that Brand’s journey and understanding where the different indications of the portfolio are we’re able to offer a product you know we’ve got something for that generally speaking and kind of pivoting off of that I wanted to ask you that given that there are multiple unique audiences as well as the possibility of some overlap between those audiences. How did PRI’s audience targeting reach identification because I know that such a crucial area to this whole process yeah, smartly. I hope you know across five different programs within this portfolio. We had 87% match on the target that we wanted to see the program. [02:19] The program and I think that that speaks pretty well to our ability not only to identify from a scientific perspective. Who are we speaking to but how do we reach them and via what channels again speaking to the overlap some indications cross pan tumor. There is overlap and we expected that and we saw about 12% overlap that saw two programs leaving only 1% for anything above that so I think our targeting is on point we’re able to reach all those subspecialties within oncology. We’re also able to reach you know the different types of Physicians that Jamie mentioned. It’s not just oncologist. It’s nps and pas as well that we’re talking to in order to do that. We actually were able to take the clients list and match it so you know we’re not just going out to Dr Joe anybody. We’re going out to exactly who are clients want to speak to which gives us the ability to really customize that targeting and you know if we want to validate that further we also have access to some real-time claims data, so we can take that Client List and say what we know who this person is we know what their past behavior is we don’t potentially wear and how to reach them so we use. [03:19] The tools in our bag to just make sure that we’re fishing where the fish are and when you talk about that I like that analogy of fishing where the fish are. Obviously you have to have metrics that back up the work that you’re doing what were some that stood out to you in terms of like. Oh we hit it on the head. We got the fish we’re successful here. Yeah, you know the real standout was return visitors were spending a ton of time and you know that’s that’s a great metric for us to analyze we know that we’re not going to ever reach every single person on a target list we know there’s gonna be those outliers at the at the one side where they’re not really engaging at the other side where they’re over engaging shall we say so you know we saw between seven and 14 minutes of time on site and content consumed for return visitors. We also saw 77 to 88% depending on the program of the unique again going back to that targeting capability. So you know the portfolio only succeeds if the programs within succeed in in this case. I think we’re able to deliver on that. [04:11] It sounds like a given those numbers in general. How do the portfolio perform in terms of audience engagement? I know you highlight some of those other metrics but that’s a key one too those were kind of things that we didn’t necessarily expect. You don’t necessarily think that somebody’s going to spend 14 minutes engaging with your content. So that was a huge win but of the things that we did expect you know email opens were around 16% which if you think about the industry benchmarks for health and wellness that’s around 18 or so and wellness is a big word in there time on site was great. We outperformed industry benchmarks, and we pulled from a variety of sources that said you know around 226 to 241 time on site again in health and wellness in across the portfolio. We saw 247 is our average time on site with the return visitors averaging 10 minutes and 38 seconds, so it’s it’s big. You know we saw really good performance numbers. No those are those are major numbers right there and I appreciate you bring those into the conversation and Jamie I want to bring you back in as well when you look at the impact on the brand given everything that you did in terms of the process and the results what would that look like. Yeah, I think when you. [05:11] Know here the metrics that John just went through obviously it’s clear to see that we drove the engagement that we were looking for that our content resonated and that that really is just clear in the metrics, but whether you’re looking at the percentage of the target list that we engaged or the return visits again. We just know that the content that We Created was in an impactful format delivered the right time right place. We also know that our targeting strategy worked on talked about 87% of the combined target list engaging with the program specifically with the intended program that we that we wanted them to see based on where they were in that behavior adoption Funnel and we really helped to move them along that journey when we extrapolate that out to consider you know what this means from a brand impact and and dare I say the dreaded three letters of ROI for the brand we really only needed to impact a small number of new starts to make this a successful campaign leveraging some of those third party real-time claims data sources that John was referencing we can really quantify that we not only met that goal but we exceeded it by more than six. [06:11] Names which has an impact not just now but really a compounding impact for the brand over the next 18 to 24 months that’s so exciting to see that kind of near-term success, but then also know that it’s going to have a longer term impact on the line too. So obviously a lot of exciting stuff going on a PRI Jamie and John’s been great having you both on the show and hearing all these insights and the impact that has had on your Brand and the clients that you service for those in our audience. It might be interested in learning more. Where could they find out more information? We would love to talk more about this you can find us at reach out to us there. We’d love to talk more about how we can build these very specific and fit for purpose programs to serve your brand and your customers needs in the future.