On Monday, a year to the day since FCB Health Network shut its office doors and formally commenced working from home, the organization commemorated the anniversary by giving its people off for WFH Day. The goal, per the company: “To remove the WF from WFH – and make home, just home again.”

In an email to staff, FCB Health network president and CEO Dana Maiman wrote: “None of us really knew what to anticipate. We didn’t know how well WFHing would WORK. Or how we’d actually do all the things we do in the office…virtually. We knew this would be the biggest challenge we’d face. But, true to form, ALL OF YOU proved that we are an extremely strong network of incredibly resilient individuals… In recognition of giving work a place in YOUR home, we want to give something back on this first anniversary of WFH… On this WFH Day, we will close business across the network, and sincerely encourage you to take the day to unplug, rest and enjoy being home.”