It’s much simpler and cheaper than semaglutide: this weight loss hack consists of a half cup of oatmeal, one cup of water and lime juice.

A viral breakfast trend dubbed “Oatzempic” has taken TikTok by storm in recent days, as users claim the shake is helping them stave off hunger.

Playing on the name of Novo Nordisk’s blockbuster GLP-1 drug Ozempic, adherents claim Oatzempic helps people lose weight, stay full longer and jump start their day with a healthy shake.

In one video with more than 670,000 views, TikToker @fred_ddy92 claims you can lose 40 pounds in just eight weeks by sticking to Oatzempic. The recipe calls for a half cup of oatmeal, a cup of water and juice from half a lime thrown together in a blender and made into a drink.

“This Oatzempic drink curbs your hunger, makes you feel full, and makes you eat less,” he says in the video. “I don’t know how — don’t tell me, I don’t know the science behind it… [But] this shit’s working.”

Other users have jumped onto the trend as they look for ways to lose weight before summer.

Another TikToker, @ItsAnAnnaThing, claims she went from 243 pounds on her first day of trying Oatzempic to 235 pounds nine days later. She says she has historically struggled with weight loss due to her polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis — but drinking Oatzempic twice a day has made a difference.

“I have never gotten results like I’m getting currently, with the help of this drink,” she claims in the video.

Science behind Oatzempic

Like other viral weight loss trends, the natural question is whether Oatzempic is legit.

Dr. Tommy Martin, a physician influencer who has millions of followers on TikTok, posted several reaction videos to the trend aiming to break down the science behind why Oatzempic might actually work in helping people shed weight.

In one video, Martin says he believes Oatzempic can work by helping people lose fat — although certainly not 40 pounds of fat in eight weeks like some have claimed.

If people are switching out higher-calorie breakfasts with the Oatzempic shake, he notes that they’re cutting down on calories while taking in protein and fiber that oatmeal contains.

“If they substitute their breakfast — let’s say it’s normally two eggs, couple pieces of toast with some butter or whatever it may be — and they substitute that with half a cup of oatmeal, which is 150 calories; some lime juice and some water, it is very likely that every single day their breakfast is now much less calories,” Martin explains in the video. “Over time, that’s going to help them create a calorie deficit.”

Oats — which contain nutrients like fiber, magnesium and zinc — help with satiety, or the feeling of fullness. This in turn leads to less snacking throughout the day, which helps lower calories. Finally, Oatzempic may assist in bowel movements, as it contains fiber and water.

Diet risks remain

Oatzempic may be one of the less harmful health trends that have made the rounds on TikTok. 

However, while it’s no Nyquil Chicken, experts still warn that relying on Oatzempic as a crash diet — rather than a complement to a well-balanced nutritious diet — is not the best choice.

Attempting rapid weight loss by only drinking Oatzempic can be dangerous and unsustainable, Karina Chiddo, a registered dietician and nutritionist at Northwell, told People magazine.

“I don’t think it’s a safe or ideal goal for the regular person,” she said. “Typically, we encourage a slow weight loss of one to two pounds per week.”

Still, there’s no harm in incorporating more oatmeal — even in different forms, like overnight oats or cooked oatmeal — into your daily diet, according to Martin. Oatmeal has benefits beyond weight loss, such as being beneficial for cardiovascular health as well as lowering cholesterol.

“Starting our day off with healthy habits also leads to more healthy habits,” Martin said in his reaction video. “Oatmeal is a staple in my daily breakfast, and definitely should be one in yours as well.”