VP of global marketing for diagnostics imaging | Philips

What would you do if you didn’t work in healthcare?

I would be an artist. I have a degree in both studio art and biochemistry.

Talk about the last time you experienced a truly fist-pumping victory moment.

When I hiked the Inca Trail in Machu Picchu. 

When was the last time you endured an “agony of defeat” moment? What did you learn from it?

I do not really remember as I am wired to either knock on a different door when one gets slammed in my face or just get up and walk again if I am knocked down. 

How long ago was the last time you truly took the time to recharge your batteries? What did you do?

I spent two weeks in Oaxaca, Mexico, with my family bringing in the New Year.

What do you find frustrating about working in healthcare marketing?

Our tolerance to medical errors that result in delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis, or death.

What are your words to live by?

You have one life to live and there is nothing you can take back with you so go ahead, get uncomfortable, and experiment. There is nothing to lose but fear itself.

What would you tell your 20-year-old self?

Listen to your gut and follow your passion. It will be years, and not months or days, before you see the pay off. 

What is one thing you would tell young women starting their careers in healthcare marketing?

Marketing is a mix of science, art, and craft. A post graduate degree is only a small part of that, the rest you learn in life and on the job.

Favorite drink? Mezcal.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say as you enter? Welcome home.

Susan Cobian


Susan Cobian

Lorna Weir


Lorna Weir