The Young Lions Health award has gone to Sudler Milan for the second time in three years.

Luisa Ziravello Gomes and Alberto Tolomelli, both art directors, won for their testicular cancer campaign, Dancing Takes Balls, which brings together self-screening for cancer and Fortnite dancing.

This year’s Young Lions Health brief was set by the Movember Foundation, a charity that advocates for men’s health. The organization wanted a campaign that would raise awareness for testicular cancer, including information about symptoms, risks and self-examination among young men.

Dancing Takes Balls was developed after the two creators recognized similarities between a self-examination and using a joystick. The campaign went for the most popular game of the moment, Fortnite, to reach its audience of young men between the ages of 16 and 25.

Dancing Takes Balls is based on Fortnite’s in-game dances. The campaign created a Fortnite dance to educate people about testicular cancer and how to prevent it.

Sudler Milan employees also won the Young Lions Health award in 2017 for a campaign for UNICEF and La Caixa Bank to raise awareness for pneumonia.