Healthcare is in the news as never before, providing many opportunities for GCI Health to prove its mettle. The firm expanded significantly, continuing a decade-long track record of double-digit growth as U.S. revenue rose by 28% in 2020. 

As it signed on 44 new accounts, it had to find ways to grow in a hurry. That included new offices in key healthcare markets, including Brussels, India and Japan. It expanded its team by 43% to 415 colleagues, making 165 new hires.

Working with leading pharmaceutical and medical device companies, the agency finds innovative ways to communicate health initiatives, including a partnership with the Trevor Project, focusing on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health by engaging high-profile influencers and celebrities from platforms such as TikTok and Twitch. GCI also worked on five-minute COVID-19 diagnostic testing advancements for Abbott, and rolling out the COVID-19 vaccines at Walgreens. 

The agency also expanded its services, adding the Content Collaborative, which brings together digital, design, editorial and creative teams under a single umbrella. With the aim of breaking down traditional silos, it clears a path for inspiring content borne from lived experiences.

GCI now offers inclusion, equity and diversity services to clients, helping improve recruitment, retention, career development practices and external relations with a strategic focus on diverse representation. 

“I’ve worked with stellar agencies,” says client Conrod Kelly, executive director, social determinants and population health at Merck. “However, I can only think of one that consistently exceeded expectations and forced me to dream bigger. GCI has been a trusted adviser, but also an ‘agitator.’ There’s no end to their energy, leading you to feel the agency is only working for you.”