Pulmonary arterial hypertension is debilitating and rare, leaving about 30,000 Americans feeling alone and without support. And it’s an illness that constantly progresses, even when patients feel fine. And while prostacyclin can help delay its progression, more than 50% of patients die before receiving treatment. 

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, which markets Uptravi, based this campaign on the insight that the fear of future regret is a powerful motivator and gets people to say “yes” to life. It’s not the things we do in life that we regret, it’s the things we don’t do.

Stop at Nothing aims to shift patients from a “wait and watch” approach to proactively asking providers for Uptravi, encouraging patients to leave nothing on the table in their quest for better care. However, the campaign began breaking just as COVID-19 ramped up, putting PAH patients in a bind. Their condition left them immunocompromised. Yet missing a doctor’s visit can be critical. 

With impressive adaptability, it changed gears and began serving up customized calls-to-action based on regional infection rates. Then it used big data to create a model that guided CTA choices for each territory over time. It also engaged local sales leadership to share knowledge, merging technology with human insight. That helped build an agile heatmap that could readjust creative messages every two weeks.

The campaign reached one in three PAH patients, enrolling more than 20% in the CRM program, growing the brand by 34% in 2020. Most importantly, it lowered patients’ risk of contracting COVID-19 while still providing vital education.