Flywheel Partners views its training services as more than simply another deliverable. Rather, it views them as essential to helping clients build a foundation that enables them to better serve patients and HCPs. 

“What makes us different is that we bring together communications and training disciplines,” explains partner Colleen McMahon. “Our clients appreciate that we strengthen the connection between medical, marketing and sales, and help enhance connections with the communities they serve.” 

Managing partner Dave Miller adds that Flywheel similarly distinguishes itself through its interdisciplinary approach. This, he says, enables team members to view clients’ go-to-market challenges through a different lens — and then suggest a different set of ideas or actions.

“Our customers love that we’re highly responsive to their businesses,” he says. “We practice at a very high level of quality and with a little bit of a different type of model from other agencies, in terms of the blend of resources and people we put on the accounts.”

Clients responded in kind during 2021. Flywheel saw revenue climb to $23 million, up 15% from $20 million in 2020. It added Iovance Biotherapeutics, Fulcrum Therapeutics, Incyte and Booz Allen to a client roster that already included Eisai, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi Genzyme, Genentech and Agilent Technologies.

Flywheel enjoyed similar growth on the employee front. Over the course of its 15 years, the agency has grown from two staffers at birth to 90 in 2020 to 110 by the end of 2021. It anticipates further growth in 2022 and beyond.

When staffing up, the company looks for like-minded, motivated, curious people. It’s that particular mix, Miller says, that makes it possible for Flywheel to serve clients as effectively and efficiently as possible. 

“People who fit that profile find a community here that is really invigorating,” he explains. “Our environment captures their brains, but also provides opportunity for development and growth. Team members can accelerate faster than they might at other more highly structured agencies with narrower development pathways.”

Flywheel’s endurance during the chaotic era of COVID-19 disruption affirms to Miller that, philosophically at least, the company is firing on all cylinders.

“I’m proud of how resilient our organization has been in finding new ways of working and new levels of quality in the sort of services we provide,” he says. “We’re adapting to do a better job of supporting our customers in their evolution.”

As for what comes next, managing partner Jung Lee expects Flywheel to continue to provide a range of in-
demand training services. 

“As our customers invest in enhancing scientific dialogue with HCPs, they continue to ask us for greater support in medical communications and training services. This is a natural area we’re going to continue to expand in over the next year,” he says. 

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Creating and hosting communities are essential to brand adoption. Salesforce does a great job of this with its Trailblazer community by investing in growth, development and expansion. Bringing tech B2B and CX concepts to pharma can be transformational. — Miller