Sanofi-Aventis jumped from sixth place to third in terms of its reputation among pediatricians, trailing only Merck and GlaxoSmithKline in the top spots, according to an SDI study.

When asked how Sanofi had garnered their favor this year, nearly 40% of the physicians surveyed credited the company’s vaccines or immunization support programs. Sanofi ramped up detailing efforts by 45% this year, particularly in support of its Pentacel vaccine, an immunization for diphtheria, tetanus and other diseases, and Xyzal, the company’s near-blockbuster allergy treatment.

In the US, Sanofi’s sponsored meetings and events for pediatricians increased by almost 72% since last year, with almost half of the events promoting Pentacel or Xyzal.

“It’s noteworthy that pediatricians’ opinions of Sanofi-Aventis US were elevated so much in the course of one year, said Healther Alba, SDI senior product manager, in a statement.

SDI’s pharma company image study surveyed close to 10,000 participants, including physicians nurse practitioners, physician assistants and others.