Boehringer Ingelheim sponsored development of an unbranded site,, aimed at “helping women learn more about healthy female sexuality.” The site, from the National Women’s Health Resource Center and the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, offers tips on talking to doctors. Boehringer is developing flibanserin for female sexual dysfunction.

SCA Personal Care North America partnered with Men’s Health Network and prostate cancer education and support organization Us TOO International for an awareness campaign on urinary incontinence in men. The campaign features, a “virtual locker room” aimed at educating men. SCA Personal Care markets Tena brand bladder control products and services.

Novo Nordisk is sponsoring a branded Twitter feed written by racecar driver Charlie Kimball, who uses Novo’s Levemir for type 1 diabetes, Advertising Age reported. Kimball had, at press time, 336 followers, which sports NovoLog and Levemir branding and fair balance info, but isn’t following other users so as to avoid unsolicited responses—and the adverse event reporting requirements that they might trigger.