Category12GOLD AWARD
Saatchi & Ssatchi Wellness and AstraZeneca
Seroquel XR Fade

Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide created very compelling ads that illustrate the insight that bipolar patients feel like they’re “fading into the background” during depressive periods. The images show people in clothing that camouflages them from their environments so that they seemingly partially disappear.

“The ad made great use of the unique patient insights of fading into the background and of their receptivity to treatment during low points,” said one judge.

“The visual connects with the bipolar audience and the emotional impact of the condition,” noted another.

Biopolar includes mania and depression, and the agency reported that depressive periods are experienced most often and have a severe, consuming effect. Many patients experienced multiple failures on other meds and feel resigned to accepting depression.

After speaking with and learning from dozens of patients who were treating but still suffering from ongoing depression symptoms, the agency developed the strategy to “activate patients’ desire to re-engage in life” by communicating that Seroquel XR could help relieve depression symptoms.

“Our creative approach was to leverage the power of patient insights, their words and genuine admissions—‘When my bipolar disorder causes me to feel depressed, I feel like I’m fading into the background.’ By respectfully capturing and conveying their collective insights, we connected with our audience in a way that resonates emotionally and honestly.” The agency also noted that addressing the depressive periods differentiated Seroquel XR and “gave us an ownable place to live.”

Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and AstraZeneca
Nighttime Heartburn

Patient insight drove creative, which illustrates the extreme lengths to which heartburn sufferers go to relieve nighttime symptoms. For example, the “Carjack” spot shows a man jacking up his bed. The agency aimed to “energize Nexium growth” and differentiate it in a market that’s increasing saturated with generic competition and OTC brands. “Use of insight is very impactful,” said one judge. “Very nicely illuminates [symptoms].” The number of people who report visiting after seeing the ad has doubled.

The Finalists

  • Anderson DDB Health & Lifestyle and DePuy Orthopaedics—Cane Club
  • HC&B Healthcare Communications and The Menninger Clinic—Adolescent Therapy Program
  • Hill Holliday and EmblemHealth—Cubicle
  • Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and AstraZeneca—Seroquel XR Fade
  • Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and AstraZeneca—Nighttime Heartburn