Social media made Justin Bieber a household name. Can it do the same for your brand?

Social media, specifically Twitter, enabled Justin Bieber to take over the music world, and if you follow his lead, Twitter can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

I thoroughly enjoyed Never Say Never, the Justin Bieber documentary, perhaps even more than my 7-year-old daughter and her two friends (although all night long they told me they were sick with “Bieber Fever”).

His is a sweet success story, and the kid has undeniable talent and incredible charisma, but I was most intrigued by the role social media played in his meteoric rise to stardom. Biotech brand managers can learn a thing or two from his masterful use of Twitter.

YouTube Start

Bieber was first discovered by an Atlanta talent scout who happened to find some YouTube videos that Justin’s mom had posted for her out-of-town family. Captivated, the scout tracked him down and persuaded his mother to bring him to Atlanta.

After a series of meetings and fortuitous introductions to the pillars among the Atlanta music scene, the tween was signed by mega music mogul Usher, who had beaten Justin Timberlake out in a bidding war.

Then this unknown kid from a small town in Canada was turned down by all of the major record labels, who insisted that he needed Disney or Nickelodeon backing him in order to make a name for himself. That is where Bieber proved everyone wrong. Twitter would become the secret to his success.

Tweeting his way to the Top

After circulating hundreds of videos on YouTube, Bieber’s agent had created enough buzz to start booking visits to local radio stations all across the country.

As his schedule became increasingly more crowded with these interviews, Bieber started tweeting about his locations and plans. Almost magically, girls began to assemble, hoping to catch a glimpse of the teen who didn’t yet realize he had so many fans.

He was greeted outside of radio stations by throngs of teenage girls, who were frenzied with excitement.

Twitter became his personal connection to his legions of fans. He tweeted about his day, his feelings, his health, and his gratitude for his fans’ support. His fans (AKA Beliebers) thrived on the personal connection they believed they had with him, and their numbers grew.

In the 15 months since he put out his first album and launched his first tour, Justin Bieber sold out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes, an unprecedented feat. His trajectory to stardom is unparalleled, and because of the power of social media, Justin Bieber accomplished in one year what took the icons who came before him, like Michael Jackson and the Beatles, many years.

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