What was your biggest break?
I certainly wouldn’t have expected when joining Appature that within 3 months I’d be in Manhattan, presenting a strategic marketing platform solution to revolutionize a Fortune 15 company to global leadership.  

What’s the best and/or worst part of your job?
Best: Delivering Appature Nexus product capabilities that inspire and empower marketers.

What’s the view like from your office/work area?
My view is of the beautiful Lake Union, just north of Seattle downtown.

What books are you ­reading?
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think and How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.

What was your greatest ­professional challenge?
Meeting the dynamic and evolving needs of the market within the necessary “iron triangle” constraints of balanced “scope,” “schedule” and “resources.”

If you were to write a book, what would the title be?
The Romans had roads, The Chinese had walls, the Americans have… Marketing