Going mobile has elevated PubMed’s reach. MobiHealthNews reports that use surged six months after the National Library of Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health, released the iPhone app PubMed4h in 2012. Communications Director Paul Fontelo says that 97.8% of the iPhone queries were clinical ones. MobiHealth notes that abstract summaries “fit within a 160-character text message.”

Business-to-business media company UBM Canon told MM&M that it was discontinuing publication of Med Ad News, effective Dec. 31, 2013.

Open access journal F1000 Research hit an unwanted milestone: its first retraction. RetractionWatch notes that the journal, which claims more than 300 articles since its July 2012 launch, had to pull an article about AIDS in south Florida after learning that the statistics the writers used had incomplete data to support them.

Elsevier’s latest publication: monthly journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Gorkana announced the new publication, and notes the journal will cover “news, research, reviews and views about diabetes, endocrinology, and metabolism.”