Evoke is launching a slate of audience-intelligence tools designed to aid pharma and life science marketers in making decisions through hyper-specific data, the organization said Tuesday.

Powered by the organization’s proprietary data lake, the tools have been piloted with clients in anticipation of a platform-wide roll-out across all Evoke agencies.

The tools consist of four modules. Each one is meant to deliver a more holistic perspective through what the company describes as a hyper-specific level of research. 

“What we see currently in the marketplace is a lot of desire — but lack of specificity — for the key stakeholders our clients engage with,” explained Evoke chief data officer Jamie Avallone. “Each offering is meant to allow clients to get to that point of specificity.”

As such, each module is oriented around a key challenge in the marketplace. Take, for example, Narratev, which focuses on clarifying the information-seeking pathways of pharma’s typical end users — whether HCPs, patients or payers — by examining actual engagements at a granular level.

Ditto for Evoke’s health equity tool, Collectev, which mines a number of disparate data sets, like claims and social determinants data, to discern where disease progression may be unchecked at the micro-community level. It then layers in other inputs, such as purchasing power and health literacy, to improve targeting. 

Affinitev scans the online influencer ecosystem for under-the-radar individuals who are nonetheless prominent in their treatment areas, in an effort to pair them appropriately with clients. Finally, Adaptev monitors omnichannel media and sales force initiatives, both non-personal and face-to-face, to not only understand how they’re being received in the marketplace but to allow for these initiatives to be refined.

Amid a deluge of data that is often overwhelming, the new products are meant to give clients a “gold standard of data accountability,” Avallone said. 

While the four tools can be leveraged in standalone fashion, the products aren’t meant to live in a silo, he added. They can mesh with other data sources and inform everything from media to creative to activation across a number of different campaigns.

“Clients can make bolder decisions with more assuredness because they have the statistical rigor backing up these decisions,” said Avallone. “And their hyperspecificity allows companies to know we are leveraging what their end users are doing to make decisions.”

Avallone, who served as physician research director at DRG before joining Evoke last year, said pharma’s increasing appetite for this information has coincided with market researchers’ ability to generate it in a HIPAA- and GDPR-compliant manner. 

At the same time, he said, the life sciences industry still isn’t paying broad enough attention to end users’ actual needs. Too many companies are limited to what they can see with their own brands’ interactions. 

“That’s the limiting factor,” Avallone noted. “If you’re looking at a small sliver of overall behavior and pretending that’s what good looks like, that could be a real problem.”