Anne Weiler
CEO and cofounder of Wellpepper

After dealing with a frustrating lack of instructions and information when her mother was discharged from a hospital, Weiler didn’t wait for somebody else to devise a solution to the problem. Within months, she cofounded Wellpepper, a platform designed to help coordinate continuity of care once a patient leaves a hospital.

In the nearly six years since then, Wellpepper has developed patient-engagement plans for a range of conditions, encompassing everything from diabetes to sports medicine. The company has implemented them in concert with a host of prominent partners, including Mayo Clinic, Boston University, and myriad hospital systems.
Weiler’s background is in technology. She spent more than a decade at Microsoft, where, as director of project management, group product manager, and senior product planner (in Seattle) and director of product marketing (in Moscow), she led numerous digital initiatives. She joined the tech giant after it acquired the company where she previously worked, the well-regarded Canadian software firm NCompass Labs.