Renee Rodgers

executive director and head of digital strategy for U.S. oncology


Renee Rodgers believes precision medicine goes hand in hand with a precision digital experience and innovation focused on improving patient outcomes. As a 2011 recruit from the tech sector and currently executive director, head of digital strategy, U.S. oncology, Rodgers and her team continually harness the power of technology to transform the patient and HCP digital experience at Novartis.

For example, they use artificial intelligence to develop anonymized oncology patient journeys, tapping into large and diverse data sets to develop practical marketing models. By better understanding the patient diagnosis process through AI, ­Rodgers and her team believe they can improve health outcomes. Another important focus is simplifying the patient experience. Novartis recently launched universal digital access platforms, streamlining the patient-attestation process across 25 indications.

Meanwhile, Rodgers is also deeply involved in social media strategy and execution. She’s a proponent of open commenting on Facebook in support of patients and caregivers and of using channel preferences as a basis for deploying precision messaging. 

Rodgers was recently presented with the Novartis Global Oncology President’s Award for Innovation.

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