In light of 4/20, the unofficial annual celebration of marijuana usage, the Ad Council, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and SXM Media are out with a PSA highlighting the dangers of driving high.

The 30-second audio spot, titled I Get Lost in the Music, was produced by SXM Media’s Studio Resonate and is airing in English and Spanish across Pandora and SoundCloud as well as in the car with media donated by SXM.

The ad centers on a person enjoying music while he’s high but gets reminded by his girlfriend that there’s a pedestrian crossing the street ahead of him while he’s driving. The PSA’s tagline is, “If you feel different, you drive different. Don’t drive high.”

Targeting young men between the ages of 18 and 34, the PSA challenges the notion that it’s safe to drive after consuming marijuana, reminding people that it is illegal to do so.

“This vital campaign educates young men on the dangers of driving high and actively combats societal stereotypes erroneously claiming that driving under the influence of marijuana is safe,” said Michelle Hillman, chief campaign development officer at the Ad Council, in a statement. “We are thrilled to collaborate with SXM Media, whose thoughtful and immersive creative will help us effectively spread this important message.”

For its part, the NHTSA also took to social media to underscore the risks associated with driving while impaired.

The federal agency has been focused on trying to combat instances of driving while high as more states have legalized marijuana in recent years. A two-year long study conducted by the NHTSA found that marijuana users were 25% more likely to be involved in a car crash than a sober driver.

The NHTSA previously teamed with the Ad Council in 2019 to launch the Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention campaign, which includes I Get Lost in the Music as part of the effort.

“By combining Studio Resonate’s authentic storytelling and thoughtful selection of voice talent with SXM Media’s powerful reach in the car, we believe this PSA can play an important role in convincing listeners to think twice before putting themselves in a dangerous situation behind the wheel,” Steven Kritzman, SVP of sales at SXM Media, said in a statement.