When Reproductive Medicine Associates partnered with creative shop Supernatural on its new brand campaign, From Dreams to Reality, the organization’s first move was to use AI to better understand its target audience.

“If a woman is under 35 and has been trying for a year, then it’s really recommended that they see a reproductive endocrinologist,” explained RMA VP, marketing Michael Samuelson. “And even women that are between 25 and 39, if they’ve been trying for six months without success, they really need to see an endocrinologist. So often our objective is to educate these women.”

That starting point is, however, just the most basic of the findings accumulated by the organizations. Supernatural then set about constructing an audience model that tapped a total of more than 10,000 other data points.

That model amounted to “a representation of the client’s target audience that you can actually talk to,” said Supernatural co-founder and CEO John Elder. “It responds to questions that clients have about attitudes and behaviors that are pulled from our enterprise-grade data stack.”

The organizations found that the campaign’s target audience is especially receptive to TV advertising and branded emails. It also prefers to see real people in advertising and to receive messaging around fertility treatments directly.

By contrast, members of the target audience aren’t fans of gauzy filters and dreamy imagery. They also expect marketers to navigate a challenging juxtaposition: The positive hopes around becoming a parent alongside anxiety and fear of disappointment.

The campaign’s spots are montages of RMA parents at different points in their fertility journey, narrated by a child who is the result of their efforts. Casting RMA clients should, if the AI model proves accurate, appeal to would-be parents on a number of levels.

From Dreams to Reality campaign

The children who are featured are roughly five or six years old. “[The ads show] children who are a little bit older than those of your typical new mom,” Elder noted. “When people think of their dreams, they’re often thinking about the first day of school or teaching their kid to ride a bike.”

The parents, meanwhile, reflect the diversity of RMA’s clientele, with a married mother and father, a same-sex couple and a single mother included in the campaign. Communicating that RMA offers a “compassionate and inclusive environment,” to use Samuelson’s words, was a key campaign goal.

Samuelson emphasized that From Dreams to Reality is part of a larger strategy. Before the creation of creative assets, RMA wanted to be able to clearly articulate its vision and communicate it effectively in all internal and external communications. The campaign adds another layer to how RMA presents itself to consumers – and is intentionally distinct from earlier efforts.

“In the past, ad campaigns have been focused heavily on science, success rates, research and innovation, and all of these contribute to setting RMA apart and differentiating us in the market and remain key to our messaging,” Samuelson explained. “But this campaign infuses more emotional connection with prospective patients. The fact is that we now lead with that, combining it with the science, research and innovation. In the past, the missing ingredient was helping people visualize and dream about what their family can be and look like.”