A group founded by Mark Zuckerberg said it will spend $250 million on a new Chicago biotech hub. Biohub leaders are still in the process of finding a location, which will include laboratories, meeting spaces and special instrumentation and equipment. (Chicago Tribune)

Intellia Therapeutics received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to start testing Crispr therapy. The step is largely seen as procedural, but it’s becoming less of a guarantee and a bigger milestone for novel drugs like Intellia’s that aim to make permanent changes to a person’s DNA. (Bloomberg)

A California couple accused a fertility clinic of mistakenly implanting an embryo that contained a genetic mutation for a rare cancer, then altering its medical records in an attempt to cover up the mistake. As a result of the error, the couple’s year-old child faces standard treatment of surgical stomach removal to prevent development of “diffuse gastric cancer” by the time he reaches maturity, according to a lawsuit. (The Washington Post)

Akorn Pharmaceuticals filed for bankruptcy, closed facilities and said it will liquidate. According to an undated letter from CEO Douglas Boothe, Akorn started the process last year to sell the company but did not receive a bid. (Endpoints News)

Cancer cell therapy startup Cargo Therapeutics raised $200 million in funding. The company plans to grow from 50 employees to little more than 100 by the end of the year. (San Francisco Business Times)