Data on coronavirus patients will now be directed to the Department of Health and Human Services instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Trump administration said the CDC’s data collection system cannot keep up with COVID-19 demands. (CNBC)

Radiation to the lungs may help patients recover quicker who are suffering from pneumonia due to coronavirus. The study from Emory University shows that low doses of radiation increased recovery time from 12 days to 10 days. (Reuters)

WebMD’s Dr. John Whyte returns to The MM&M Podcast to discuss his company’s ongoing coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen to the full episode. (MM&M)

A global vaccine initiative now has more than 150 countries signed up. There are 90 low-income countries hoping to receive donated vaccines and 75 other countries who joined the “Covax facility” to gather vaccines for their citizens. There are some concerns the initiative will leave vulnerable populations without access to vaccines. (AP News)

MM&M is participating in #SharetheScope, a social media initiative to raise awareness for the health issues and disparities facing the Black community. BLKHLTH, a platform dedicated to educating, engaging and empowering the Black community to improve health and wellness, will take over our Twitter and Instagram feeds on July 22. (MM&M)