President Donald Trump made a quick stop in Atlanta on Wednesday to talk about the opioid crisis at the 2019 Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. As is his wont, Trump went a bit off-script, veering into another pitch for his proposed border wall and touting inmate-rehabilitation programs. He also gave German Shepherds, which he said are better at drug-sniffing than technology worth hundreds of millions of dollars, a ringing endorsement.

The president later applied one of his tried-and-true stump-speech lines to the pharmaceutical industry. Trump said drug companies are “rigging the system” when it comes to keeping prices high, commenting, “I know all about rigging the system because I had the system rigged on me.”

So, the most-repeated soundbite from a conference on opioid addiction will probably have nothing to do with drug abuse, Trump acknowledged. “Unfortunately, that will be your soundbite tonight, but that’s OK,” he said, according to CNN. “The system was rigged.”

Or it might be this quote about dogs: