Jordana Barish, senior director of the allergy portfolio at Sanofi, tells Jack O’Brien about the Allegra brand’s recent launch of a route-planning tool at the South by Southwest conference in Austin. Allegra Airways is designed to help allergy sufferers find clean-air routes.

In her Health Policy Update, Lecia Bushak recaps the main healthcare takeaways from Biden’s State of the Union address

Plus, a new MS podcast from Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Christina Applegate tops our Trends segment, along with Mark Cuban’s widening healthcare ambitions and TikTok’s freckle tattoo trend

Music by Sixième Son

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Hey, it’s Marc… Those of us in the Northeast part of the U.S. recall last summer’s wildfires with a particular sense of dread. As we gazed out our 10th floor office windows here on 7th avenue, the scene resembled something out of a dystopian movie. An ominous wave of smoke rolled in. Billowing down from the fires blazing up north, it shrouded the buildings and turned New York City’s famed skyline into a sepia-colored haze. If you went out amidst these fumes, it was hard to breathe, and any kind of outdoor plans like biking or running were better off shelved. Thankfully, as the winds shifted and the wildfires were finally brought under control, we didn’t have too many days where we felt like we were the extras in Armageddon 2.  But if there were a silver lining to these experiences, they did raise our collective empathy for the 30% of the population who experience allergies of some sort, predominantly seasonal, and drove home the point that clean air is not something to take for granted. With the start of another allergy season upon us – and another wildfire recently hitting the Texas Panhandle part of the country – my colleague Jack O’Brien has a report on one of the more fascinating brand activations to take place at the recent SXSW conference in Austin. In this case, it’s a beyond-the-pill, tech innovation called Allegra Airways that enables consumers to map their trip from point A to point B and determine the best route through a combination of real-time air quality and pollen data. Jack tells us all about the tool – and its relevance not only to allergy sufferers but all of us who are concerned about breathing easier during the dry season – based on his interview with from Jordana Barish, senior director of the allergy portfolio at Sanofi. Jordana it’s wonderful to have you on the show. How are you doing today? I’m great Jack. Thank you so much for having me. How are you doing? I’m doing great. I’m so excited to talk about South by Southwest. It feels like this is been one of the things that people have really looked forward to in this kind of post covid world is, you know going back to conferences and being able to network and all these fun things. I want to start there as it relates to the activations that are going on at South by Southwest for your brand. What is all that look like what’s going on? Yeah. Absolutely. We’re so excited that we have launched. A really first in class Tech Innovation, especially for an allergy brand or calling it Allegra Airways and we’ve launched this at South by Southwest as sort of our kickoff in our debut for Allegra Airways. So I’ll tell you a little bit about what Allegra Airways is and then we can talk maybe more about what the activation looks like. Totally fine by me cool. So Allegra Airways is actually a first in class Tech Innovation that combines real-time air quality and pollen data into essentially a route mapping tool that enables consumers to map their destination from point A to point B and look at air quality and pollen in real time and determine the cleanest best route whether it’s walking biking running or just going about their day to find the best air quality and this is important to Allegra in particular because Allegra is a leading Global allergy brand both in the US and around the world and we believe it’s our duty and our responsibility to look Beyond just treatment but to also look for innovative ways to help allergy suffers best manage their allergies and live their greatness sort of Beyond. Pill so to speak. Which is why we were so excited to to bring this Innovation to Consumers because it allows them to make choices in service of self-care and better managing their their health throughout their day. It’s interesting to hear you talk about so many different things. There’s a relates to air quality and allergies. I want to be able to pull on those threads a little bit more but as it relates to what you’re doing at the conference, so it’s it’s launching this is it an activation in the sense of like people are gonna be able to go and see oh if I walk down this street are going this town was that look like on a practical level? Yeah, absolutely. And so it is sort of the debut at South by and what that means at the conference is that the technology will be available to all consumers and users that want to go on to the website and and play around with the tool in real time. We will have essentially a 360 degree activation in terms of Building awareness first and foremost of the pollen and pollution connection because I think that’s really the Insight that’s at the heart of the activation. We all know that sort of culturally and in terms of the scientific literature. We’re seeing an increase in the lengthening of pollen seasons and link to climate change, but what’s less well known is the impact of that on the experience of the allergy sufferer and what we’re seeing is that as air quality worsensually culturally with things like the wildfires that we’re seeing right now in the Texas Panhandle or what we saw last year with the Canadian wildfires that’s actually worsening air quality which creates a worsening environment for allergy suffers in terms of the impact that pollen has on their experience with allergies little known fact Paul and actually can be exacerbated by air pollution. And produce up to three times as much histamine in the body when sort of activated by worsening air quality then just regular pollen alone. And that’s why kind of this intersection and education about that intersection is so important and that’s what the tool really aims to provide is is visibility and awareness to the interaction between pollen and air pollution. So from a South by a perspective, we’re bringing that to life in a number of different ways first with petticabs that will be available to users throughout the City of Austin which by the way is one of the sort of pollen capitals of the world. So it’s very relevant for users including myself at the conference. And these Petty calves will be powered by Allegra Airways technology and enable users to choose the cleanest route to their conference destination so that they can feel their best and we’ll also have digital out of home sort of roving mobile. Billboards, of course electric vehicle powered we don’t want to contribute to the to the air quality challenges. And that will literally show the best routes in terms of the best air quality combination of lower pollen and lower air pollution. So that conference goers can get from Key destinations point A to point B, and that’s really the kickoff. And that starts a national awareness campaign of this tool and of the pollen air pollution connection. Which again leads right into you know the spring and allergy season which we can delve into I am curious about making an impact at South by Southwest because I think if you ask the average consumer when they think of South by Southwest they think oh there’s like an indie movie premiere or I’m gonna go see, you know, any of these bands or something or you know the food scene that’s obviously so well known there was it like for you as a health brand to try and make an impact there you’re saying imagine. There’s a lot of noise. It’s two weeks that you’re trying to compete against you know, how how does that look? Like? What is success look like in your eyes in terms of we make this debut here and then we roll it out a larger National basis. Yeah. Absolutely. You know South by is is really interesting because it is such an intersection of so many different Industries and and Trends and topics and what’s interesting about allergies is that it does affect. Such a big portion of the the US population up to 30% of people experience allergies of some sort and predominantly seasonal allergies. So it’s very relevant as a topic to conference-goers and where this fits in is really in the Innovation and Healthcare Arena and that’s why it’s so relevant in that space and why we think it’s it’s really an interesting Innovation because no other partner or company is doing anything like this right now, you know, we know that our weather apps have pollen data. We know that our you know mapping apps have some air quality data, but there is no tool that looks at the two together and that’s what makes it really unique and I would say the other aspect that that is differentiated. Beyond what’s available currently to Allergy suffers is the granularity and the hyper locality of the data. So we’ve developed this in partnership with Ambi, which is our sort of climate and environmental data partner and their data is down to the five meter level. So literally pick up on differences between one street to the next which is different than any other tool that’s available right now to Consumers and in Partnership, of course with Saluda as part of the Edelman holding company. It was a real opportunity to bring this technology together from one of the leading allergy brands in order to enable consumers to live their greatness and not their allergies. It’s interesting here you talk about that too because I live here in New York and you brought up the Wildfire smoke that turned us into a scene from Apocalypse Now last year, which was very cool. We loved that but it’s so interesting here you talk about being able to then have that information and data at your fingertips to be able to make a decision because I remember last year we were going through these repeated Cycles week after week of oh, it’s a bad aqi day, which I didn’t know what that meant before the Wildfire smoke. I’d never looked at that part of my iPhone and then suddenly I’m checking it daily, but then you have no relief it was like, okay I know where this data is, but I when you talk about having it on a five meter basis, I would have loved to have that last year and it sounds like this will now be able to empower people Nationwide to say. Oh, yeah, like you’re gonna be going through this rough patch in terms of allergies and you know potential pollution and all that sort of stuff. But here’s how you can navigate in the really meaningful way. You’re spot on Jack and that was largely, you know a big impetus for why we wanted to bring this to Consumers as quickly as we did, you know, We recognize the situation many of us are also based in the Northeast and we’re directly impacted by that as well. And we’re kind of hungering for like, what is that solution and we actually launched a beta version of Allegra Airways last year in September in New York City kind of in response to that during un climate week and it was an opportunity to really engage with some of the people that are in the at the Forefront of some of these issues and test and learn with a beta version of the technology before scaling it up nationally this spring but you’re exactly right that was a gap and a real consumer need that that we’re able to address. And it’s also kind of recognizing that intersection between the impacts of climate change and the impact on personal health too. Like I’ve seen a lot of different Pharma and healthcare companies saying we need to do more and obviously there’s a lot of things on a larger macro level but this is something on a micro level that can help people be able to navigate this kind of, you know, Brave New World that we’re we’re all living in and experiencing in real time. Absolutely, you know Allegra believes that a breath of fresh air is a right. We all share and as a result the work that we’re doing is really anchored in our commitment to helping people breathe easy. Whatever that means to them but in particular understanding where we are and the kind of inflection point with the increase in allergies and the changes in climate impacting the lengthening of pollen seasons and so forth and how we can make an impact. I mean really not just allergy suffers but to the population at large through this tool, so you’re you’ve kicked this off at South by Southwest. What does the larger roll out throughout the rest of the month look like? Yeah. We’re so excited to be partnering with celebrity spokesperson on this campaign and it’s really personal to him as well. So announcing that Lance Bass boy band icon, but also maybe lesser known allergies suffer is going to be partnering with us on this campaign and we’ll have launched already some important messages to his followers and to Americans across the board about how he experiences allergies how he goes about his day and how Allegra Airways really enables him to do what he needs to do as an outdoor Enthusiast as a parent as somebody who’s got a lot of projects going on on a day to day basis and can’t be held back by allergies. You know, Allegra Airways has helped him to navigate his day with cleaner routes and and Were allergens I can tell you that as somebody that grew up listening to NSYNC that warms my heart there to know that I’ll begin to relive a little part of my childhood. There. Are there other aspects to the to the rollout that our audience should keep in mind or keep an eye out for absolutely. It really is a fully integrated campaign. So we’ve talked about partnering with Lance. We’re also partnering with a key opinion leader allergist expert Dr. Karawada from Ohio State University. She’s an allergist and she’s going to be talking about you know, how this issue is so important for her patients as she sees the impact of climate change and worsening air quality on the experience of allergies for her patients. And then of course, we’ll have a full 360 degree sort of awareness campaign about the connection between air quality and allergens in social media on our website and across all all of our own channels as well to really Bring awareness to this important issue and and make sure that everyone has access to the tool. I really appreciate you being on the show and talking about everything that’s going on at South by and obviously everything that’s going to follow afterwards. I am curious from your perspective if there’s anything as it relates, we always have marketing leaders on here and they talk about like trying to evolve The Narrative on whatever topic that they are marketing towards and it sounds like from your perspective and correct me if I’m wrong that Allergies have taken on a different sort of understanding rather than because I when I remember growing up and it’s like, oh you have allergies. It was just kind of that thing that we all saw, you know Slough off but then it’s like oh no that’s a thing that actually can really have a detrimental impact on your life and be debilitating as sort of way what has been your experience in terms and maybe seeing that evolve over the past couple years and maybe a greater recognition among now only marketers, but the general population like oh this isn’t something that’s just like whatever aspect it’s something that can really impact your life. Absolutely, you know allergies are for many people really a chronic condition and because it’s chronic it’s trivialized in many ways because it’s just sort of like, oh you have allergies whatever but it has a real impact on consumer’s lives and that impact is continuing to grow and become more intense as the pollen Seasons lengthen so much so that we have data in the literature showing that by 2050. Over 50% of the population will have allergies of some kind so it’s really important to Allegra and to sanity overall to find ways to empower and enable our consumers to manage their allergies through relief through through medicines. But then also in broader more holistic ways that they can take through their lives. Excellent. Well again, really appreciate you being on the show. I can’t let you go asking one final question outside of your activation. Obviously. What is the thing? You’re most looking forward to at South by. food I think now people always seem to Rave about I know it’s been many years since I’ve actually been down there. So I’m really looking forward. I mean, of course great programming and great people and a lot of connections, but also really great food so hard hard to argue with that. Well, Jordana, really appreciate you being on the show best of luck with the roll out there and obviously the broader National push and I’m sure we’ll be able to connect some time down the line because allergies are not going away anytime soon. It’s very true. Thank you so much, Jack really appreciate the conversation. And Lecia’s here with a health policy update… Hey Marc, today I’ll give a recap of the main healthcare takeaways of Biden’s State of the Union address last week. This week, we’re talking about Mark Cuban’s widening healthcare ambitions, an upcoming MS podcast from Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Christina Applegate, plus TikTok’s freckle tattoo trend. President Joe Biden touted the continued impact of the Affordable Care Act, his administration’s recent moves on drug pricing and his ambitions to protect reproductive rights in last Thursday’s State of the Union address. One of Biden’s main talking points during this year’s address was heralding his administration’s track record of enacting drug pricing reform under the Inflation Reduction Act. Through the landmark bill — which gave Medicare the power to negotiate the cost of certain prescription drugs and provided a $2,000 out-of-pocket cap on medications under Medicare — Biden argued that QUOTE “we finally beat Big Pharma.” However, he also said that wasn’t enough and pushed for more drug pricing reform. He called on Congress to give Medicare the authority to negotiate prices for up to 50 drugs per year – an increase from its current 20 drugs per year limit. That’s about 500 drugs over the next decade. He also referenced the ACA throughout his speech, noting that Obamacare was QUOTE “still a very big deal. Over 100 million of you can no longer be denied health insurance because of pre-existing conditions.” He claimed his administration would not let Republicans repeal Obamacare, despite former president Trump recently clamoring to do so. QUOTE “I am not going to let that happen,” Biden said. “We stopped you 50 times before and we will stop you again. In fact, I am not only protecting it, I am expanding it.” Biden also focused heavily on protecting reproductive rights, given the ongoing abortion debate since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, as a main pillar of his upcoming presidential campaign. But he left out various health issues — including the mental health crisis and workforce shortage, legislative proposals to target the opioid epidemic, and his own cancer moonshot initiative. I’m Lecia Bushak, Senior Reporter at MM+M. And this is the part of the broadcast when we welcome Jack O’Brien to tell us what’s trending on healthcare social media. Hey, Jack. Hey Marc. It’s been a busy few weeks in the already busy life of Mark Cuban, mostly due to his further investment as a major stakeholder in the healthcare industry. Just last week, he was at the White House for a meeting about pharmacy benefit managers with FTC chair Lina Khan and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, among other leaders. His Cost Plus Drug Company also announced it will begin manufacturing its own generic medications. This came shortly before the organization reached an agreement to sell drugs directly to rural hospital giant CHS amid ongoing drug shortage  He also responded to a tweet from financier Bill Ackman and said that if you truly want to change healthcare and drug pricing for the better, it starts with what you do for your owned and portfolio companies. “Stop using the big insurance companies and their big 3 PBMs and you will see your drug pricing,and healthcare $ drop immediately,” he tweeted. We’ve been covering the the drug shortage issue for a while now. I mean, I think it started getting really bad about two years ago. It’s been affecting various drugs across ADHD medication chemotherapy treatments. It’s been affecting amoxicillin which is a penicillin antibiotic. So there’s we’ve been seeing a lot of hospitals doctors. Parents patients talking about how there’s been a huge negative impact on patients because of these drug shortages and you know, one of the the many factors that goes into drug shortages is the fact that a lot of times from our companies don’t necessarily have incentive to manufacture generic drugs and there ends up being shortages. So, you know, Mark Cuban kind of making all of these announcements given that backdrop. He’s sort of offering this solution including during the time that Congress has been putting up more of a light on pbms and you know drug pricing and he’s basically saying I’m going to get rid of those middle men even without policy legislation in place. I’m going to you know base my business off of that and it’s going to work so it’ll be interesting to watch how that all plays out and if it does become, you know, a long-term solution to the issue here. Yeah, I want to bring Mark in here on to give a little color on that because it’s one thing to get yelled at in front of a congressional panel if you’re a PBM, but when you have Mark Cuban who’s coming in here and saying hey, I’ve worked across Sports and Tech and media and we never seem to run into these roadblocks or obstacles or deal with these middlemen as Lesha just referred to him and then have him excoriating you at the White House on social media and even with his own business model. I imagine it’s got a strike a little bit of fear in their hearts, perhaps. Yes, and you know, maybe given the PBM reform bills that have all been shelved according to leicester’s report last week that you know, these high-profile exchanges between the likes of Mark Cuban and and people like Bill Ackman just just where we are right now in terms of how are we going to you know, if it’s the right way forward to eliminate the middleman, you know, How’s that gonna get done or at least to you know dampen their effect on the what what else the drug supply chain, but, you know, even if even with Test solution like Cost Plus drugs. What about brand drugs? How’s an employer supposed to you know maintain access to those. I know that cost plus just announced that they’re going to start, you know manufacturing generics, but they don’t offer, you know, obviously savings on brand drugs yet and you know while they are, you know going into beginning into the generic Supply area, which hopefully will alleviate the shortages that you were both talking about. Let’s not forget that there’s another not for profit drug manufacturer that came on the scene recently Civic RX and there was a write-up in the New England Journal of Medicine last year analysis that showed that they were able to boost access to generics compared to wholesalers between 2020 and 22 civica achieve 96% fulfillment of their contractually guaranteed volume. All wholesalers. Only reached an order fulfillment rate of 86% So there seem to be doing a pretty good job there and it suggests that you know, there’s room for a new players to the established status quo so bodes. Well, you know for you know, Cost Plus drugs getting to this business as well and they were able to civica was also, you know by even When Buyers optimize their wholesaler orders by purchasing in bulk when the prices were low Civic still had more affordable products or cost savings Gap the costs costs savings Gap, excuse me shrunk but 2.7% in aggregate, you know, so all these things, you know show that that there are alternate solutions to legislation and so we can, you know, maybe look forward to you know, maybe there’s some truth to Biden’s words that we can still address this the broken drug supply chain through through non legislative means I just want to add one more point on to that market. It’s interesting you bring up civica RX because California last year selected them to manufacture their generic drugs and a bit to try and bring down drug prices. I wonder We’ll see and it’s just speculation at this point. But if there is going to be a state that sees the success and the relationships the Mark Cuban has been building in the prescription drug industry and says, hey maybe we go to him for our generic drugs, like obviously it’s it’s so early on and they’re just committing to this side of the game, but you would think that there has to be a logical conclusion. If you’re dealing with the likes of CHS who’s to say another state or another large organization doesn’t step up and say hey we see what we’re what you’re doing. You’re disrupting this Dynamic. Let’s try and be partners in some way. That’s a really good point Jack. I mean if it’s a large state-run, you know agency decides to take its Business Health elsewhere then then the PBM is a Really Gonna feel it in their bottom line. So that’s an excellent point Mark Cuban always always keeping us entertained. Absolutely. Yes. We’ve previously talked about Christina Applegate’s ongoing patient advocacy for the multiple sclerosis community and now she is doubling down on those efforts. Applegate and Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who is best known for her role as Meadow Soprano, appeared on Good Morning America on Monday to promote their new podcast, MeSsy, which debuts on March 19.  Sigler was diagnosed with MS in 2001 and only publicly acknowledged her condition in 2016, though she has since become a vocal advocate for the community. Asked by host Robin Roberts to describe living with the disease since her diagnosis in 2021, Applegate was frank about the challenges MS has placed in front of her. That clip is courtesy of ABC. The pair also gave an exclusive interview with People to discuss how their friendship through disease has offered them additional support on their patient journey.  “It’s not about the specific experience we’re having,” Sigler said. “It’s us facing something hard and it’s about figuring out how to still push through. I’ve never been more … nervous isn’t the word, but like a good anxious about any project I’ve ever put out more than this, because I care so deeply about it. We are sharing the deepest parts of ourselves.” Yeah. I think it’s interesting that they’re starting a podcast, you know, because celebrities who diagnosed with certain health issues and they can either go-to routes like sometimes they go more private route and they kind of disappear from the public a little bit and you know, and then there’s people who are a little more vocal and want to share their story and their experiences with the public. So I think it’s really interesting that they decided to launch this podcast. I think it’s going to be very Illuminating to what a patient really goes through with Ms. I was reading a little bit about it on people and you know, they kind of Felt that even their discussions before they decided to start a podcast where therapeutic to them and so like they were kind of coming into it with this. It was almost like a therapeutic thing for them to start a podcast and be able to talk about all of these issues. They’re having I believe the quote was something like, you know, we found out that we were sort of laughing and crying and it was helping us through it. And we decided let’s do this. Let’s start a podcast so it’s interesting that you know, they’re starting at both as sort of like Therapy for themselves but also to raise awareness about Ms. And to help the broader public understand what it’s actually like living through it. You know, I think it’s gonna be very Illuminating. I agree lash I think you know, maybe we’re seeing a kind of a new era of celebrity disease collaborations. But you know, this is a very authentic pair up, you know between two women, who are you had very successful careers in our battling this disease and you know in the GMA piece, it was interesting that Applegate was talking about which we discussed on the podcast when you when you both brought it up in January when she received her standing ovation on stage at the Emmys and how she kind of blacked out. She didn’t remember what she said and these kind of public appearances are very, you know, obviously very difficult for her given the disease, but they’re so inspiring, you know, people are just you know, it makes them Them even more beloved to their fans as they you know, open up in terms of what they’re going through and in this new chapter their lives and I can only imagine the podcast will just kind of be even more, you know, sort of inspiring for people, you know, whether they’re going through that or they know someone going through that and just kind of raising empathy. So look forward to to seeing what they are able to produce together absolutely will be tuning in for sure. TikTok has become the center of beauty and cosmetic information for younger generations, as well as the home of various trends from “skin cycling” to “bone smashing.” In many cases, beauty trends that go viral on the site can be harmful and overlap with major health concerns. Enter permanent freckles, or freckle tattoos: a search that has gained over 131 million views on TikTok in recent months.  It sprouted from an earlier trend of people using makeup to temporarily create the illusion of freckles for a “cute” and sun-kissed look. But TikTokers have now latched onto the idea of making freckles permanent. Freckle tattoos are often done at licensed clinics by trained professionals, typically with the same pigment that’s used for eyebrow microblading. But in many cases, TikTokers are attempting to do the tattooing at home — and that’s where the trouble begins. In a viral video that marked her two-year anniversary of the QUOTE “biggest mistake” of her life, TikToker Tilly Whitfeld warned others about the trend. [BYTE: “This is to anyone thinking of getting freckles tattooed onto their face: Don’t.”] Whitfeld explained how she tried tattooing her own freckles at home but it ultimately landed her in the hospital with an infection, temporary blindness and scarring. [BYTE: “I ordered the ink off eBay… My face got very infected, and I used pretty crappy at-home sewing needles to do the dots. It ended up getting so infected and swelling. I ended up in [the] hospital. I lost sight in my eye temporarily, and I spent like, $10,000 trying to fix it. And the scars are still there.”] TikTok dermatologists have reacted to the trend, with many warning against the DIY approach. Dr. Shah, known as Derm Doctor on TikTok, noted in a video that permanent freckles could be “very dangerous and can lead to scarring.” Even if they’re done safely, at a licensed clinic, dermatologists urged their viewers to think twice. [Byte: “You have to think long-term. You might need a tattoo removal laser to remove these in a couple years when you decide that they’re not on trend.] So we have another you know, Beauty Trend here that’s overlapping with serious skin and health concerns. Hopefully people are learning from the viral videos that have been posted about people going to the hospital for this but it seems that tiktok is a never-ending well of some of these ideas in an oftentimes, you know, we see those ideas kind of spiral on tiktok and sometimes the content kind of serves to reinforce the damaging riskier yourself harming Behavior. So it’s interesting in this case. It seems like you know, the one woman that you pointed out who had the bad experience. She’s kind of unfortunately beginning, you know for everybody to see hey this this is very very damaging and very harmful and hopefully people will think twice about doing this but yeah, You said lashes just the the most recent example, we’re disinformation kind of crosses over into downright dangerous, you know, whether it’s bone smashing or DIY Dentistry or mouth taping all these trends that are gaining traction on tiktok over the last couple of years are you know underscoring the issue of health information and dangerous Trends on the platform and some of them are just downright troubling so good to see dermatologist entering this information vacuum and pointing out that this is not something to to trifle with and to go to you know, the proper professional if they’re interested in exploring this. Yeah. I have three things to say about this one when I was reading luscious. Peace, and she had mentioned that people are doing this on a stick and poke basis. It took me back to a very early time at my college career in New Paltz and just shudder the idea of people doing that to their cheeks and to their fragile parts of their face second being exactly a mark talked about like for as much as there is this viral moment that Freckle tattoo, Are having it was very heartening to see people who are Dermatology who are hcp is going on. They’re saying no, like listen to these patients that have had bad experiences. This is where it can be dangerous you are not, you know cleared to be able to do this in any sort of strategy. You should go to professionals if you wanted to achieve this which is a bizarre thing in its own, right and that leads me my third point if you really want freckles that badly I have plenty of Irish cousins who are single and if that’s your own thing that you can go and find an Irish person and get them that way but the idea of doing that permanently to your own face, I would advise not to excellent advice and if anybody needs, you know, you know, there’s there’s the advice that says like don’t you know, go to go to sleep, you know in a damp cold place and then there’s the advice that says don’t go to sleep in a damn cold place because you could catch pneumonia, you know, and you know, which could be potentially fatal. So here you have some real life examples where you know, everything, you know went South here and what what was a health hack, you know, turn potentially dangerous, so So here you have it folks don’t do this. Thanks for joining us on this week’s episode of the MM+M Podcast. Be sure to listen to next week’s episode when we’ll be joined by Mehrdad Mobasher, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer for hematology at BeiGene.