We are a step closer to knowing the finalists of the MM&M Awards 2007 this morning after 48 of the industry’s finest leaders and thinkers spent an entire day yesterday reviewing and scoring the 700-plus submissions.
Top marketing executives from Merck, Novartis, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Schering-Plough and Wyeth joined leaders from Google, Deutsch, McCann, Publicis, GSW Worldwide, CommonHealth and numerous other agencies and publishers in keen debate of an extremely high quality field of entries.
The judges, like everybody else, will not know the results of their efforts until the shortlist of finalists is published in MM&M News Brief on Aug. 14 (and also in the September issue of MM&M); and the individual winners are revealed for the first time at the spectacular awards ceremony and dinner in New York on Nov. 1.