Matias Coo

director, digital marketing


In less than a year, Matias Coo succeeded in shifting Avanir’s perception of digital as a mere tactic to one that builds on digital as a strategic pillar and a key growth driver. With his arrival (he is director of digital marketing), Coo assumed the mantle for all of the company’s digital transformation initiatives, pushing the cross-brand and cross-functional teams toward innovative digital tactics to streamline existing methods and strategies. 

By introducing a cohesive approach to marketing strategy, he enabled a more effective, targeted methodology, thus empowering HCPs to have better conversations with their patients and helping Avanir itself have conversations with the right HCPs. 

Specifically, by combining common practices with more radical thinking, Coo paved the way for sufferers of pseudobulbular affect (a condition marked by emotional incontinence commonly called PBA) to be more effectively diagnosed and treated with Nuedexta, Avanir’s singularly indicated PBA treatment product. 

Within the organization, Coo changed the paradigm of what winning looks like through the introduction of accurate KPIs and measures of lift.

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