
Janssen Pharmaceuticals and FCB Chicago
Unseen & Unheard Podcast

While stigma around all mental illnesses abounds, those with schizophrenia are especially vulnerable. About 2.8 million Americans live with the condition, and more than half aren’t receiving adequate treatment. On average, they experience nine frightening episodes in just under six years. And they don’t feel represented in sensationalized and overgeneralized depictions in media.

They long for a sense of community, especially when cultural myths around 

schizophrenia paint a picture far from their lived reality.

Because 41% of those in Janssen’s research say they use music or audio to help block symptoms, and 60% spend a significant amount of time at home, a podcast seemed to have high potential.

Janssen first curated authentic stories, giving those who live with schizophrenia an opportunity to share their experiences in their own words. Unseen & Unheard is hosted by Glynn Washington, a radio personality with a personal connection to schizophrenia. Janssen turned its unbranded website, which focuses on long-acting injections, into the podcast’s home base, providing paid media to attract a larger audience.

Each episode dives into the nuances of personal stories. All podcast artwork was created by artists living with schizophrenia, and each episode was paired with a unique piece of this art. Spotify ads and targeted banner ads on Reddit got the word out. 

The podcast is “an elegant and innovative way of providing insight into the condition,” said one judge. Since its launch, visitors to the unbranded website are up 50%. Engagements with the podcast are 125% higher than the brand’s other content. And the number of listens exceeded projections by more than 400%.


Genentech and 21Grams

Cramming every single bit of clinical data into any song would be a feat. But a medication for Hemophilia A? Into rap lyrics? Hemlibra not only pulled it off, but “Zero” became an anthem for the hemophilia community. People turned to social media to post videos of themselves dancing and singing along, reciting every lyric. The first-ever musical medication guide showed the world what’s possible by making health education a little more human.