GCI Health 

GCI Health’s dramatic transformation from boutique PR agency to a fully integrated multichannel communications firm is one of the most impressive seen in all categories. It gained 40% in revenue growth last year, and with 115 new hires, more than doubled its staff. 

That all stems from its bold ambition “to be the best healthcare communications agency in the world,” with an intense focus on smart growth. A strong and stable senior management team makes sure it puts people at the center of its solutions and continues to diversify its client base across the broader healthcare spectrum. 

Last year, the agency doubled the digital and creative teams, adding critical in-house capabilities such as video production. It also made significant hires in global health/CSR and corporate communications. Regional expansion is a high priority for the firm, and it nearly tripled office staff in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and London, and opened a new office in Singapore.

GCI added 27 new accounts, including major and midsize pharmaceutical companies, emerging biotechs, providers and nonprofits, with 66% of the overall growth coming from new business. 

It attributes those wins to looking at all stakeholders as people, diving in to find what motivates, influences and resonates with them in their daily lives. The agency started the Patients at the Center initiative to turn the focus to patients, treating them as people first, independent of their illness. It combines the latest in behavioral science, online listening and creative market research to examine what motivates and defines stakeholders emotionally, practically and tangibly. People at the Center leads to insight and authentic messaging.